Chapter 11: Pump Stations

Anchor: #i1013256

Section 1: Introduction

Anchor: #i1013261

Purpose of A Pump Station

A pump station mechanically lifts storm water runoff from a gravity fed collection cistern to a discharge place or outfall. In general, gravity outfalls are the primary and preferred means of releasing flow from storm drain systems. However, a pump station becomes necessary when gravity outfalls are not economically or engineeringly feasible.

The need for pump stations is a function of the highway geometric design rather than of climatic factors. Planners can design pump stations to be unobtrusive, efficient, and reliable.

In the planning stages, the roadway designer can obtain valuable advice and assistance from the following sources:

Anchor: #i1013317

Security and Access Considerations

Protection of the facilities is an important concern. The pump station facility should be protected and secured with fences, gates, and locks. When planning the fencing, adequate access for service and maintenance vehicles must be provided.

Anchor: #i1013327

Safety and Environmental Considerations

Depending on the types and concentrations of runoff contaminants or pollutants that may be pumped by the facility, certain safety and environmental features may be necessary in the design. Consult the Design Division’s Hydraulics Branch about the quality of the runoff discharge water. Refer to the TxDOT Environmental Management System Manual and the Environmental Division for more information on environmental concerns, policies, and agencies.

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