Anchor: #i1020694

Section 4: Adding Non-Contiguous Segments

Anchor: #i1020699

Non-Contiguous Route Defined

A Non-Contiguous Route segment is a designated highway section which, when added, does not adjoin a route segment already existing in TRM, but is located on the proposed alignment of the completed route. Add this new section due to new construction or route realignment. The new non-contiguous segment may join an existing route:

  • Before the beginning of the route
  • After the ending of the route
  • Within a roadway gap within the route.
Anchor: #i1020728

Input—Before Beginning of Route

Input only the ‘From’ Reference Marker Number, which resides on the new segment; add it to the route without going through the Add Reference Markers process.

Determining the length of the new segment requires both the ‘From’ and ‘To’ Displacement fields (see Figure 5‑6 below):

  • The ‘From’ Displacement is the distance from the given marker to the beginning of the new segment. This becomes the new beginning of route. This marker should not be at the exact beginning of the new segment
  • The ‘To’ Displacement is the distance from the given marker to the ending of the new segment. This becomes the location of the beginning of a new roadway gap

The calculated length of the new segment is the difference between the ‘From’ Displacement and the ‘To’ Displacement.

Adding a new segment before an existing
route begins, creating a new gap. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1001371grtop

Figure 5-6. Adding a new segment before an existing route begins, creating a new gap.

Follow these input instructions to add before beginning of route:

Anchor: #i1013176Add Non-Contiguous Segment Before Beginning of Route





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 12C and press <E>; the Job Location screen appears



Input Location Key fields

Do not input the ‘To’ Reference Marker Number; it is automatically the same as the ‘From’ Reference Marker Number

  • (+) or (Blank) To Reference Marker Sign and Displacement


Input remaining fields and press <F2>; the system updates TRM with the new route information and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • District Id
  • County Number
  • Control-Section from highway plans


To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


System Response. While adding this new non-contiguous segment, the TRM system automatically

  • Creates a record with placeholder marker 0000
  • Adjusts:
    • DFO for all existing markers as needed
    • Distance between markers for all existing markers as needed
  • Copies the value of District-Id into the Maintenance District field.
Anchor: #i1020808

Input—After End of Route

Input only the ‘From’ Reference Marker Number, which resides on the new segment; add it to the route without going through the Add Reference Markers process.

Determining the length of the new segment requires both the ‘From’ and ‘To’ Displacement fields (see Figure 5‑7 below):

  • The ‘From’ Displacement is the distance from the given marker to the beginning of the new segment. This becomes the location of the ending of a roadway gap
  • The ‘To’ Displacement is the distance from the given marker to the ending of the new segment. This becomes the new ending of route

The calculated length of the new segment is the difference between the ‘From’ Displacement and the ‘To’ Displacement.

Adding a new segment after an existing
route ends, creating a new gap. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1001773grtop

Figure 5-7. Adding a new segment after an existing route ends, creating a new gap.

Follow these input instructions to adding after end of route

Anchor: #i1013200Add Non-Contiguous Segment After End of Route





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 12C and press <E>; the Job Location screen appears



Input Location Key fields

Do not input the ‘To’ Reference Marker Number; it is automatically the same as the ‘From’ Reference Marker Number

  • (+) or (Blank) To Reference Marker Sign and Displacement


Input remaining fields and press <F2>; the system updates TRM with the new route information and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • District Id
  • County Number
  • Control-Section from highway plans


To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


System Response. While adding this new non-contiguous segment, the TRM system automatically:

  • Creates a record with placeholder marker 9999
  • Adjusts:
    • DFO for all existing markers as needed
    • Distance between markers for all existing markers as needed
  • Copies the value of District-Id into the Maintenance District field
Anchor: #i1020885

Input—Within Roadway Gap

This procedure leaves the existing route with a roadway gap on either side of the new segment. Input only the ‘From’ Reference Marker Number, which resides on the new segment; add it to the route without going through the Add Reference Markers process.

Determining the length of the new segment requires both the ‘From’ and ‘To’ Displacement fields (see Figure 5‑8 below):

  • The ‘From’ Displacement is the distance from the given marker to the beginning of the new segment. This becomes the location of the ending of a roadway gap.
  • The ‘To’ Displacement is the distance from the given marker to the ending of the new segment. This becomes the location of the beginning of another roadway gap

The calculated length of the new segment is the difference between the ‘From’ Displacement and the ‘To’ Displacement.

 Adding a new segment inside an existing
gap, decreasing the existing gap and creating a new gap. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1002168grtop

Figure 5-8. Adding a new segment inside an existing gap, decreasing the existing gap and creating a new gap.

Follow these input instructions to add within roadway gap:

Anchor: #i1013224Add Non-Contiguous Segment within Roadway Gap





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 12C and press <E>; the Job Location screen appears



Input Location Key fields

Do not input the ‘To’ Reference Marker Number; it is automatically the same as the ‘From’ Reference Marker Number

  • (+) or (Blank) To Reference Marker Sign and Displacement as the distance from the marker to the end of the new segment


Input remaining fields and press <F2>; the system updates TRM with the new route information and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • District Id
  • County Number
  • Control-Section from highway plans


To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


System Response. While adding this new non-contiguous segment, the TRM system automatically:

  • Creates an additional roadway gap record in the TRM-FEATURE file at the ending of the new segment. The original gap record remains as it was
  • Adjusts:
    • DFO for all existing reference markers past the new segment as needed
    • Distance between markers for all markers past the new segment as needed
  • Copies the value of District-Id into the Maintenance District field.
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