Anchor: #i1006516

Section 2: Error Messages

TRMxxx001 - (Fatal) “New Reference-MARKER-NBR must have a suffix.” You moved a reference marker and the system requires a suffix for the new location. Enter the next sequential suffix.

TRMxxx002 - (Informational) “Press PF2 to Confirm or PF11 to Cancel.” The system requires confirmation to delete data from TRM. Press <F2> to complete the delete transaction or press <F11> to cancel the transaction (the system takes no action).

TRMxxx003 - (Fatal) “User not authorized to access the selected screen.” Your signon (User Id) key does not have the proper security to access the selected menu option. Make a different menu selection or contact your automation administrator concerning security access capabilities.

TRMxxx004 - (Fatal) “Variable 1 is not valid for current function; please reselect.” The selected function key (Variable 1) does not function on this screen. Select a different function key.

TRMxxx005 - (Fatal) “Required field(s) must be entered; please enter valid data.” The system highlights all fields that apply to the selected update function. The cursor appears in the empty field awaiting a valid value to complete the transaction.

TRMxxx006 - (Fatal) “All three fields required to update SHOULDER data.” Enter Left/Right Shoulder Width, Type, and Use at the same time.

TRMxxx007 - (Fatal) “At least one highlighted field must be entered.” This message displays if you press <F2> or <E> but have not entered new data in any field. Enter valid values into all required fields and press <F2> or <E> again.

TRMxxx008 - (Fatal) “Invalid SPIRAL-CURVE; TS and/or ST point must be entered.” A valid three-point spiral curve contains the following points: A tangent-to-spiral (TS) + Spiral to Curve (SC) + Curve-to-spiral (CS) or Spiral-to-curve (SC) + Curve to Spiral (CS) + Spiral-to-tangent (ST). The curve must include at least one TS or ST point. Enter valid values for the missing TS or ST point.

TRMxxx010 - (Fatal) “Invalid District HIGHWAY-STATUS; valid codes are 4 or 5.” District TRM personnel may only input Highway Status values 4 or 5. Enter a valid District Highway Status value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx011 - (Fatal) “Invalid Variable 1; press PF1 for help or see User's Manual.” You entered an invalid value for the highlighted field. Enter a valid value for the highlighted field name appearing in Variable 1.

TRMxxx012 - (Fatal) “Invalid REF-MARKER-SUFFIX; valid codes are blank or A--Z.” You entered a value other than blank or A thru Z for the marker suffix. Leave the field blank or enter the next sequential alphabet letter.

TRMxxx013 - (Fatal) “Invalid TPP HIGHWAY-STATUS; valid codes are 1--6.” TPP may only input Highway Status values 1 thru 6. Enter a valid TPP Highway Status value and press <F2> or <E>

TRMxxx014 - (Warning) “Screen data will be lost! Press PF1 to confirm or PF11 to Cancel.” You pressed an exit function key (F3, F10, or F12) and changed field values since last accessing the screen or since the last time you pressed <F2>. Press F11 to remain on the screen and continue the transaction, or repress the same exit function key to leave the screen.

TRMxxx015 - (Fatal) “Invalid DISTRICT-ID; valid codes are 01-25.” You entered a District-Id value other that 01 thru 25. Enter a valid District Id value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx016 - (Fatal) “Invalid COUNTY-NUMBER; valid codes are 001-254.” You entered a County Number value other than 001 thru 254. Enter a valid County Number value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx017 - (Informational) “Top of data.” Message displays to indicate that no records exist prior to those displayed on the query data screens. Pressing F7 once the first data screen displays prompts this message.

TRMxxx018 - (Informational) “Bottom of data.” Message displays to indicate that no records exist beyond those displayed on the query data screens. Pressing F8 after the last data screen appears prompts this message.

TRMxxx019 - (Fatal) “Curve point location must be > previous curve point location.” Enter curve points in ascending reference marker order. The highlighted curve point is not in sequential order when compared to the other curve points. Enter a curve point location that conforms to the sequential marker location order of the other curve points already entered.

TRMxxx020 - (Fatal) “Invalid BEARING-TYPE value; valid codes are 1, 2, 3, or 4.” You entered a value other than 1, 2, 3, or 4 for Bearing Type.

TRMxxx021 - (Fatal) “Invalid BEGINNING-DIRECTION; valid codes are N or S.” You entered a Beginning Direction value other than N (north) or S (south). Enter a valid Beginning-Direction value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx022 - (Fatal) “BEARING-DEGREE must be whole >= 00 and <= 90.” You entered a Bearing Degree value other than a whole number from 0 thru 90. Enter a valid Bearing Degree value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx023 - (Fatal) “BEARING-MINUTES must be whole >= 00 and <= 59.” You entered a Bearing Minutes value other than 0 thru 59. Enter a valid Bearing Minutes value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx024 - (Fatal) “BEARING-SECONDS must be >= 00.0 and <= 59.9.” You entered a Bearing Seconds value other than 0.0 thru 59.9. Enter a valid Bearing Seconds value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx025 - (Fatal) “Invalid ENDING-DIRECTION; valid codes are W or E.” You entered an Ending Direction value other than W (west) or E (east). Enter a valid Ending-Direction value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx026 - (Fatal) “DELTA-DEGREE must be whole number >= 00 and <= 179.” You entered a Delta Degree value other than 0 thru 179. Enter a Delta Degree valid value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx027 - (Fatal) “DELTA-MINUTES must be whole number >= 00 and <= 59.” You entered a Delta Minutes value other than 0 thru 59. Enter a valid Delta Minutes value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx028 - (Fatal) “DELTA-SECONDS must be >= 00.0 and <= 59.9.” You entered a Delta Seconds value other than 0.0 thru 59.9. Enter a valid Delta Seconds value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx029 - (Fatal) “Invalid DELTA-LEFT-RIGHT value; valid codes are L or R.” You entered a Delta Left/Right value other than L (left) or R (right). Enter a valid Delta Left/Right value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx030 - (Fatal) “DOC-DEGREE must be >= 00 and <= 89.” You entered a DOC (Degree of Curve) Curve Degree value other than 0 thru 89. Enter a valid value for the Degree of Curve and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx031 - (Fatal) “DOC-MINUTES must be >= 00 and <= 59.” You entered a DOC (Degree of Curve) Curve Minute value other than 0 thru 59. Enter a valid Degree of Curve value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx032 - (Fatal) “DOC-SECONDS must be >= 00.0 and <= 59.9.” You entered a DOC (Degree of Curve) Curve Second value other than 0.0 thru 59.9. Enter a valid Degree of Curve value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx033 - (Fatal) “Overlapping existing section Variable 1; cannot update.” Multiple HPMS Current IDS overlap. Enter a valid HPMS Current ID value, or resubmit a valid milepoint range through the batch update process.

TRMxxx034 (Fatal) “ROW-WIDTH must be whole number >= 001 & <= 999.” You entered a ROW Width value other than 001 thru 999. Enter a valid ROW Width value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx035 - (Fatal) “Invalid SKEW-QUAD value; valid codes are 1, 2, 3, or 4.” You entered a Roadway Feature Skew Quad value other than 1, 2, 3, or 4. Enter a valid Roadway Feature Skew Quad value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx036 - (Fatal) “Invalid SKEW-TYPE value; valid codes are 0 or 1.” You entered a Skew Type value other than 0 or 1: 0 (stops at road) or 1 (crosses road). Enter a valid Skew Type value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx037 - (Fatal) “SKEW-ANGLE degree must be >= 00 and <= 90.” You entered a Skew Angle value other than 00 thru 90. Enter a valid Skew Angle value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx038 - (Fatal) “Invalid RURAL-URBAN value; valid codes are 1, 2, 3, or 4.” You entered a Rural/Urban value other than 1, 2, 3, or 4. Enter a valid Rural/Urban value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx039 - (Fatal) “Invalid ADMIN-SYSTEM value; valid codes are 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, or 13.” You entered a Administrative System value other than 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, or 13. Enter a valid Administrative System value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx040 - (Fatal) “Gap found between consecutive whole markers; cannot Redesignate.” Redesignation segments cannot cross roadway gaps. This message describes the gap specifically. Select a different range to redesignate or add/move reference marker(s).

TRMxxx041 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADWAY-FEATURE-GRADE code; valid codes are U, G, or D.” You entered a Roadway Feature Grade value other than U, G, or D. Enter a valid Roadway Feature Grade value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx042 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADWAY-FEATURE-L-R code; valid codes are L or R.” You entered a Roadway Feature Left/Right value other than L (feature on Left) or R (feature on Right). Enter a valid Roadway Feature Left/Right value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx044 - (Fatal) “User not on Job Control File; contact Automation Administrator.” Your User-Id is in the Job Control File maintained by Technology Services Division’s (TSD) security section. Contact your Automation Administrator.

TRMxxx045 - (Fatal) “RAILROAD-NUMBER format must be 6 numeric and 1 alpha: NNNNNNA.” You entered a Railroad Number value other than 6 numeric and 1 alpha: NNNNNN (000000 thru 999999) and A (A thru Z). Enter a valid Railroad Number value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx046 - (Fatal) “Invalid INTERSECTION-TYPE code; valid codes are A, B, or D.” You entered an Intersection Type value other than A, B, or D. Enter a valid Intersection Type value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx047 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID code; valid codes are N ,X, Y, A, B, C, or blank.” You entered a Roadbed-Id value other than N, X, Y, A, B, C, or blank on the Administrative Data screen. Enter a valid Roadbed-Id value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx048 - (Fatal) “Invalid SECONDARY-ROUTE code; valid codes are A-C, E-O, Z, or 1-9.” You entered a Secondary Route value other than A thru C, E thru O, Z, or 1 thru 9. Enter a valid Secondary Route value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx049 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADSIDE-FEATURE-CODE; valid codes are A-K, or Z.” You entered a Roadside Feature value other than A thru K, or Z. Enter a valid Roadside Feature value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx050 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADSIDE-FEATURE-CODE; valid codes are A-F, H-K, or Z.” You entered a Roadside Feature value other than A thru F, H thru K, or Z. Enter a valid Roadside Feature value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx051 - (Fatal) “ROW-WIDTH must be >= sum of ROADBED-WIDTHS plus MEDIAN-WIDTH.” The sum of all Roadbed Widths + all Median Widths within the given marker range must equal no more than the ROW Width Minimum. The system compares all these fields against each other or values stored in TRM.

TRMxxx052 - (Fatal) “MAINTENANCE-SECTION must be 0 when HIGHWAY-MAINT-STATUS = 04.” Maintenance Section must be 0 (no maintenance section) when Highway Maintenance Status is 04 (not state maintained). The system compares all these fields against each other or values stored in TRM.

TRMxxx053 - (Fatal) “Error with HIGHWAY-MAINT-STATUS or ROADBED-WIDTH.” Maintenance Status must be 01 (state maintenance) when Roadbed Width is greater than zero. (You do not enter these fields on the screen together.) The system compares the entered field with values stored in TRM within the given reference marker range.

TRMxxx054 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are M, P, S, T, X, A, Y, or B.” You may delete only specific Roadbeds from a route. If deleting mainlanes, select Delete a Route. If changing mainlane Roadbed-IDS, select Update Roadbeds.

TRMxxx055 - (Fatal) “Invalid BEGIN-END code; valid codes are B or E.” You entered a Begin/End value other than B (begin of feature, roadbed, or secondary route) or E (end of feature, roadbed, or secondary route). Enter a valid Begin/End value and press <F2> or <E>

TRMxxx056 - (Fatal) “HPMS section already in existence on Variable 1; cannot be updated.” The HPMS section Id listed in the transaction already exists on another route or another section of the same route. Values appearing in Variable 1 are the same route as the transaction or other route. Enter a highway or highway section that does not contain the same HPMS section Id.

TRMxxx057 - (Fatal) “ROADBED-WIDTH must be >= SURFACE-WIDTH + SHOULDER-WIDTHS.” The sum of Surface Width + Shoulder Width within the given marker range and roadbed must less than the Roadbed Width. The system compares all these fields against each other or values stored in TRM.

TRMxxx058 - (Fatal) “SPEED-LIMIT-MAX must be >= SPEED-LIMIT-MIN.” The maximum speed limit must be greater than or equal to the minimum speed limit. The system compares all these fields against each other or values stored in TRM.

TRMxxx059 - (Fatal) “MAINTENANCE-SECTION must be whole number >= 00 and <= 30.” You entered a Maintenance Section value other than 00 thru 30. Enter a valid Maintenance Section value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx060 - (Fatal) “Invalid HIGHWAY-MAINT-STATUS code; valid codes are 01 or 02.” You entered a Maintenance Status value other than 01 or 02. Enter a valid Maintenance Status value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx061 - (Fatal) “Invalid MAINTENANCE-DISTRICT; valid codes are 01-25.” You entered a Maintenance District value other 01 thru 25. Enter a valid Maintenance District value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx062 - (Fatal) “MAINTENANCE-FOREMAN-NBR must be whole number <= 01 and <= 30.” You entered a Maintenance Foreman Number value other than 01 to 30. Enter a valid Maintenance Foreman Number value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx063 - (Fatal) “SPEED-LIMIT-MINIMUM must be >= 01 and <= 75.” You entered a Speed Limit Minimum value other than 01 thru 75. Enter a valid Speed Limit Minimum value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx064 - (Fatal) “SPEED-LIMIT-MAXIMUM must be >= 01 and <= 75.” You entered a Speed Limit Maximum value other than 01 thru 75. Enter a valid Speed Limit Maximum value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx065 - (Fatal) “Invalid BASE-TYPE-CODE; valid codes are 1, 2, 3, 8, or 9.” You entered a Base Type value other than 1, 2, 3, 8, or 9. Enter a valid Base Type value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx066 - (Fatal) “NUMBER-THRU-LANES must be whole number >= 01 and <= 10.” You entered a Number of Through Lanes value other than 01 thru 10. Enter a valid Number of Through Lanes value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx067 - (Fatal) “HPMS-Current-Id must be 12 characters long.” You entered an invalid number of characters. Enter 12 characters for the HPMS Id in the following format: CCCCSS0BBBBB [Control-Section-Zero (0)-Beginning milepoint for the section].

TRMxxx068 - (Fatal) “Invalid DIRECTION-OF-TRAVEL code; valid codes are 1, 2, or 3.” You entered a Direction of Travel value other than 1, 2, or 3. Enter a valid Direction of Travel value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx069 - (Fatal) “SHOULDER-WIDTH must be >= 0 and <= 30.” You entered a Shoulder Width value other than 0 thru 30. The system compares all these fields against each other or values stored in TRM. Enter a valid Shoulder Width value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx070 - (Fatal) “Invalid SHOULDER-TYPE code; valid codes are 1--7.” You entered a Shoulder Type Left/Right value other than 1 thru 7. Enter a valid Shoulder Type Left/Right value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx071 - (Fatal) “Invalid SHOULDER-USE code; valid codes are 00--06.” You entered a Shoulder Use Left/Right value other than 00 thru 06. Enter a valid Shoulder Use Left/Right value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx072 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; records for N roadbed already exist.” A feature exists in TRM on the N roadbed. You cannot add or move other features to any specific mainlane roadbed (R, L, M, S, P, or T) at the same location. Either enter a roadbed specific Roadbed-Id or correct the existing record in TRM.

TRMxxx073 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; records for specific roadbeds already exist.” A feature already exists in TRM on any of the roadbed-specific Roadbed-IDS (R, L, M, S, P, or T). You cannot add or move other features using Roadbed-Id N at the same location. Either enter a roadbed specific Roadbed-Id or correct the existing record in TRM.

TRMxxx074 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADWAY-FEATURE-GRADE code; valid codes are U or D.” You entered a Roadway Feature Grade value other than U or D. This applies to specific features only. The feature grade cannot be G (at-Grade). Valid values are: U (feature is Up above roadway) or D (feature is Down below roadway).

TRMxxx075 (Fatal) “Invalid CURB-TYPE; valid codes are 0-4.” You entered a Curb Type value other than 0 thru 4. Enter a valid Curb Type value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx076 - (Fatal) “Error with INT-TYPE or ROADWAY-FEATURE-GRADE.” You entered Intersection Type and Roadway Feature Grade values that do not correspond. Enter corresponding Intersection Type and the Roadway Feature Grade values and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx077 - (Fatal) “STRUCTURE-NUMBER required when ROADWAY-FEATURE-GRADE = 'U'.” For specific features, enter the Structure Number when the Roadway Feature Grade is U (feature is Up above roadway). Verify the Roadway Feature Value.

TRMxxx079 - (Fatal) “Begin and End points are from different Variable 1 designations.” Overlapping Secondary Route locations cause this error. Delete and re-enter at least one of the overlapping Secondary Routes with valid limits.

TRMxxx080 - (Fatal) “Invalid transaction; route will be left with no markers.” If you delete marker(s) or route segment, the route to have no reference markers. Select fewer markers to delete or a smaller route section to delete so that at least one marker remains.

TRMxxx081 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADWAY-FEAT-CODE; valid codes are 25, 31-36, 41, or 99.” You entered a Roadway Feature value other than 25, 31 thru 36, 41, or 99. Enter a valid Roadway Feature value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx082 - (Fatal) “ROADWAY-FEAT-GRADE must be set to 'G'.” For the specified feature, the feature grade must be G (feature is at-grade). Verify that the Roadway Feature value is valid or enter a G for the Roadway Feature Grade.

TRMxxx083 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADWAY-FEAT-CODE; valid codes are 25, 31-34, 36, 41, or 99.” You entered a Roadway Feature value other than 25, 31 thru 34, 36, 41, or 99. Enter a valid Roadway Feature value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx084 - (Fatal) “RAILROAD-NUMBER is required when ROADWAY-FEAT-GRADE = 'G'.” Enter the Railroad Crossing Number when the Roadway Feature Grade is G (At-Grade).

TRMxxx085 - (Fatal) “ROADBED-ID does not exist at this location.” At the given marker location and roadbed for point attributes, the given Roadbed-Id does not exist. Verify the Roadbed-Id or enter a different Roadbed-Id.

TRMxxx086 - (Fatal) “ROADWAY-FEAT-GRADE must be set to = 'D'.” For Culverts, the Roadway Feature Grade is D (feature is Down below roadway).

TRMxxx099 - (Fatal) “CULVERT-FILL-DEPTH must be whole number.” You entered a Culvert Fill Depth value other than 01 thru 99. Enter a valid Culvert Fill Depth value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx100 - (Fatal) “Invalid Transaction; request is beyond district boundaries.” District offices may only Add, Update, or Delete data residing on routes within their own maintenance district. Verify that the route and reference marker range are within your Maintenance District.

TRMxxx101 - (Informational) “Highlighted fields will be ignored; press PF2 or PF11.” One or more of the fields entered on the screens do not apply to the specified update function. The system does not consider the highlighted fields in any processing or record updates. Press <F2> to continue or <F11> to cancel.

TRMxxx102 - (Fatal) “New REF-MKR-NUM must be > existing REF-MKR-NUM if DISP is positive.” The new Reference Marker Number is sequentially higher than the existing marker, so the displacement to the new marker number must be greater than 0. Verify the displacement to the new marker.

TRMxxx103 - (Fatal) “Sign cannot be '-' when new REF-MKR-NUM is > existing REF-MKR-NUM.” The new Reference Marker Number is sequentially higher than the existing Reference Marker Number stored in TRM, so the sign cannot be negative. Remove the sign or change it to +.

TRMxxx104 - (Fatal) “A gap exists within the range specified, transaction invalid.” You cannot update length data across a roadway gap. Select a different range to update.

TRMxxx105 - (Fatal) “Process cannot create 2nd gap between consecutive REF-MARKER-NBRs.” A second roadway gap between consecutive reference markers creates a route segment with no markers. Adjust the marker limits for the transaction to ensure that the route segment has at least one reference marker.

TRMxxx106 - (Fatal) “Route is a high-order route within a link; link must be deleted.” The deleted or redesignated route or route section is a link to another route. You must check other sources such as the ARI or construction plans to find the designation of the linked route because this information is not available through the query facility. Identify the linked route and delete the link. Re-enter the route deletion or redesignation transaction.

TRMxxx107 - (Fatal) “Selection must be Variable 1.” You entered a menu selection outside the range of selections. Values appearing in Variable 1 are any of the selection values or characters. Make a valid selection.

TRMxxx108 - (Informational) “Data cannot be displayed within Link sections.” The range selected for the query falls inclusively within a linking segment of another route. The system stores all data within the marker range with the continuous route. Select a larger reference marker range.

TRMxxx109 - (Fatal) “Calculated To-Point cannot exceed 99.999.” You calculated the distance for the length of the link being stored with the Signed Highway as greater than 99.999 miles. Enter a range smaller than 99.999 miles.

TRMxxx110 - (Fatal) “Variable 1 causes a subsequent DISTANCE-FROM-ORIGIN to be > 9999.999.” You must update the DFO of all markers beyond a link with the new mileage. If the DFO is greater than 999.999 for any marker beyond the link, this message appears. Values appearing in Variable 1 are Section Length and Link Length. Enter a link with a shorter length.

TRMxxx111 - (Fatal) “Variable 1 causes a distance between whole markers to be > 99.999.” Update the distance between the markers before and after the link with the new mileage. If the distance is greater than 99.999 for the marker beyond the link, this message appears. Values appearing in Variable 1 are Section Length and Link Length. Enter a link with a shorter length.

TRMxxx112 - (Fatal) “Variable 1 length must be >= 00.001 and <= 99.999”. The length, whether entered or calculated, must be a value 00.001 thru 99.999. Values appearing in Variable 1 are: Redesignation, Concurrency, Off-System Section, Curve Length, and Tangent. Enter a valid length in the Off System Length or enter displacements that calculate to a valid length.

TRMxxx113 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are N, K, M, S, P, or T.” You entered a Roadbed-Id value other than N, K, M, S, P, or T. Enter a valid Roadbed-Id value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx114 - (Fatal) “BOUNDARY-TYPE = C must exist.” Records for Boundary Type C (County Boundary) must exist in TRM before you add records for Boundary Type A (State Boundary) or Boundary Type B (District Boundary). Add records for these boundaries in this order: County (type C), District (type B), and State (type A).

TRMxxx115 - (Fatal) “Variable 1 roadbed does not exist within limits.” In order to add supplemental mainlane roadbeds, the corresponding mainlane roadbed must exist within the From and To Reference Marker limits. Values appearing in Variable 1 are: L if M or P is added; R if S or T is added. Verify the limits of the added roadbed.

TRMxxx116 - (Fatal) “SIGNED-HIGHWAY cannot be the same as Variable 1.” You entered the route as the Signed Highway, which must be different from the route entered as either the Intersecting or Linking Signed Highway.

TRMxxx117 - (Fatal) “Invalid COUNTY-NUMBER; does not reside in District Variable 1.” You entered a County Number that is not included in the District Id value stored in TRM within the given reference marker range. Values appearing in Variable 1 are 01-25. Enter a valid County Number value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx118 - (Fatal) “Multiple gaps encountered within range; cannot redesignate.” Redesignation segments cannot cross roadway gaps. This message clearly describes that you must deal with more than one gap before the system accepts the transaction. Select a different range to redesignate or verify and update the gaps so this error message does not reappear.

TRMxxx119 - (Warning) “Railroad data must also be modified on the Railroad file.” The TRM system updates through online processing and cannot verify the existence of the entered railroad information against the Railroad File. Verify whether the entered railroad information also exists on the Railroad File. If not, take appropriate action to include the information.

TRMxxx120 - (Warning) “Structure data must also be modified on BRINSAP.” The TRM system updates through online processing and cannot verify the existence of the entered structure information against the Bridge Inventory, Inspection and Appraisal Program (BRINSAP) bridge information file. Verify whether the entered structure information also exists on the BRINSAP file. If not, take appropriate action to include the information.

TRMxxx121 - (Warning) “Railroad data must also be modified on BRINSAP.” The TRM system updates through online processing and cannot verify the existence of the entered railroad information against the BRINSAP bridge information file. Verify whether the entered railroad information also exists on the BRINSAP file. If not, take appropriate action to include the information.

TRMxxx122 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are K, A, B, R, S, T, X, Y, L, M, N, or P.” You entered a Roadbed-Id value that is not K, A, B, R, S, T, X, Y, L, M, N, or P. Enter a valid Roadbed-Id value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx123 - (Fatal) “REF-MARKER-NUMBER 0000 cannot be deleted or updated.” With the exception of Interstate Highways, marker 0000 is only a placeholder marker number, not a physical marker, so you cannot update or delete it. Use the closet sequential marker number with a negative marker displacement in the transaction.

TRMxxx124 - (Fatal) “BOUNDARY-TYPEs = 'B' and 'C' must exist before 'A' can be added.” Records for Boundary Type B (District Boundary) and C (County Boundary) must exist in TRM before adding a record for Boundary Type A (State Boundary). Add records for these boundaries in this order: County (type C), District (type B), and State (type A).

TRMxxx125 - (Fatal) “REF-MARKER-DISP cannot be Variable 1 when REF-MARKER-NBR is Variable 2.” The Reference Marker Displacement cannot be negative when the Reference Marker Number is zero. Likewise, the Reference Marker Displacement cannot be positive when the Reference Marker Number is 9999. Values appearing in Variable 1/Variable 2 are Negative/0000 or Positive/9999. Enter a valid displacement value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx126 - (Fatal) “REF-MARKER-NUMBER Variable 1 cannot be added or deleted or updated.” You cannot add, update, or delete placeholder reference marker numbers. Values appearing in Variable 1 are 0000 (for non-interstate highways) or 9999. Enter a valid marker number and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx127 - (Fatal) “From Reference-MARKER-GRP cannot = To Reference-MARKER-GRP.” When processing data through TRM maintenance screens, the marker and displacement fields entered in the From Reference Marker Group cannot equal those entered in the To Reference Marker Group. These fields may equal in query processing. Enter different values into the From and/or To Reference Marker Group fields and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx128 - (Fatal) “No Variable 1 record found at this point.” You entered a boundary type value that does not exist at the reference marker location. Values appearing in Variable 1 are any of the valid boundary types. Enter a valid boundary location and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx130 - (Fatal) “SIGNED-HIGHWAY does not exist in TRM.” You entered a Signed Highway not found in TRM. Check Query or enter a valid Signed Highway and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx131 - (Fatal) “Reference-MARKER already exists in TRM.” You added a Reference Marker Number plus Suffix (if any) already existing in TRM. Check Query or verify the reference marker entered.

TRMxxx132 - (Fatal) “Reference-MARKER does not exist in TRM.” The Reference Marker Number plus Suffix (if any) entered in the add, update, or delete transaction does not exist in TRM. Check Query or verify the reference marker entered.

TRMxxx133 - (Fatal) “SIGNED-HIGHWAY already exists in TRM.” You added a Signed Highway already existing in TRM. Check Query or enter a different Signed Highway.

TRMxxx134 - (Fatal) “Record(s) already exist in TRM.” You entered a transaction for values that already exist in TRM at the given reference marker and/or Roadbed-Id. Check Query or enter a different reference marker location and/or Roadbed-Id.

TRMxxx135 - (Fatal) “Record(s) not found in TRM.” You entered a transaction that does not have a corresponding record in TRM. Check Query or identify and enter the correct reference marker location and/or Roadbed-Id, and any required information.

TRMxxx136 - (Warning) “A complement record must exist for the intersecting hwy.” Each on-system intersection is composed of two records: the Signed Highway and the Intersecting Signed Highway. Each record is a complement to the other. This message lets you know that only one of the pair exists in TRM. Enter the missing record of the pair.

TRMxxx137 - (Fatal) “ROW-WIDTH-USUAL must be >= ROW-WIDTH-MIN.” The ROW Width Usual value must be greater than or equal to the ROW Width Minimum value. The system compares all these fields against each other or values stored in TRM. Enter valid values for ROW Width Usual or ROW Width Minimum or both and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx138 - (Fatal) “Cannot add a CURVE within an existing CURVE.” The points of one curve cannot overlap into the points of another curve. Validate the location of the curve points.

TRMxxx139 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADWAY-FEAT-CODE; valid codes are 31-33, 41, or 99.” You entered a Roadway Feature value other than 31 thru 33, 41, or 99. Enter a valid Roadway Feature value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx140 - (Informational) “Transaction completed successfully.” You successfully updated TRM with the information entered on the screen. Enter another valid transaction on the screen or press an exit function key (F3, F10, or F12) to exit the screen.

TRMxxx141 - (Fatal) “Delta degrees + minutes + seconds must be > 0 and < 180.” The sum of Delta Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds must be greater than 0 and less than 180. Enter valid values for Delta Degrees, Minutes, and/or seconds and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx142 - (Informational) “Enter updated attribute data.” You may enter values for the modifiable fields on the screen for update. Fields that you may not update include the Signed Highway, Reference Marker fields, Roadbed-Id (where applicable) plus any other fields which differentiate the location of this feature from other features. Enter updated values into the modifiable fields and press <F2> or <E>.

NOTE: If you cannot update the field, delete and re-add the feature or attribute.

TRMxxx143 - (Fatal) “ROW-WIDTH-MIN cannot be > ROW-WIDTH-USUAL.” The width measurement of ROW Width Usual must be greater than or equal to the width measurement of ROW Width Minimum. The system compares all these fields against each other or values stored in TRM. Enter valid values for ROW Width Minimum or ROW Width Usual or both and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx144 - (Fatal) “Cannot enter Variable 1 without Variable 2.” You must enter certain attributes together in order for the system to accept the transaction. Enter valid values for these paired attributes at the same time:

  • Coordinates/Reference Marker
  • Reference Marker/Coordinates
  • Median Type 1 thru 4/Median Width
  • Median Width/Median Type
  • Reference Marker Suffix/Reference Marker Number
  • Reference Marker Displacement/Reference Marker Number
  • Reference Marker Number/Reference Marker Displacement.

TRMxxx145 - (Fatal) “Error with ROADBED-ID or INT-TYPE.” If Intersection Type is D (channelized intersection), then Roadbed-Id must be K (single roadbed). Change the Roadbed-Id and/or Intersection Type values and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx146 - (Fatal) “Sum of all ROADBED-WIDTHs and MEDIAN-WIDTH must be <= ROW-WIDTH.” The sum of all Roadbed Widths + all Median Widths within the given marker range must equal less than the ROW Width Minimum. The system compares all these fields against each other or values stored in TRM.

TRMxxx149 - (Fatal) “From Reference-MARKER-GRP cannot be > To Reference-MARKER-GRP.” When processing data through TRM maintenance screens, values entered in the From Reference Marker Group cannot be higher than those entered in the To Reference Marker Group. Enter valid values into the From and/or To Reference Marker Group fields and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx150 - (Fatal) “Selection must be an 'X'.” On specific submenus, enter the character X for the appropriate selection.

TRMxxx151 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are N, X, Y, A, B, K, C, or BLANK.” Update Administrative or Highway Design Data using the listed Roadbed-IDS. Note: Valid Roadbed-Id values depend on the updated attributes. Enter a valid value for the Roadbed-Id and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx152 (Fatal) “Variable 1 exists within limits; cannot delete.” You must remove supplemental roadbeds before deleting mainlane roadbeds. Values appearing in Variable 1 are: S, T, M, or P.

TRMxxx153 - (Informational) “Enter new Reference-MARKER location(s).” You entered the current values for existing marker(s). The system now requests the new values to update.

TRMxxx154 - (Informational) “Enter Current location plus all required fields and press <E>.” The system requires the current location plus other unique data to retrieve and update records.

TRMxxx155 - (Fatal) “ROADWAY-FEAT-GRADE must be set to 'U'.” For the specified feature, the Roadway Feature Grade must be U (feature is Up above roadway).

TRMxxx157 - (Fatal) “Data cannot be processed within or across a Link section.” The reference marker range of a given add, update, or delete transaction cannot cross the limits of a high-order link segment. Verify the range for processing.

TRMxxx158 - (Fatal) “SPEED-LIMIT-MIN must be <= SPEED-LIMIT-MAX.” The minimum speed limit must be less than or equal to the maximum speed limit. Note: The system compares all these fields against each other or values stored in TRM.

TRMxxx159 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID-GRADE; valid code is G.” The Grade for all Roadbed-IDS is G (at-Grade). Enter a G for the second character of the Roadbed-Id.

TRMxxx161 - (Fatal) “Records not found within given SIGNED-HIGHWAY + REF-MARKER range.” You entered the Signed Highway, Reference Marker range, or Roadbed-Id (if applicable) and the system did not find records within the range. Check Query.

TRMxxx162 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are K, A, B, C, R, S, T, X, Y, L, M, N, or P.” You entered an invalid Pavement Data Roadbed-Id value. Note: Valid values depend on the updated attributes. Enter a valid Pavement Data Roadbed-Id value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx163 - (Informational) “Enter Current key and Roadbed-Id <E>.” The system requires the current Signed Highway + Reference Marker range for retrieving records and updating. Enter the current range for updating Roadbed-Id and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx164 - (Informational) “Enter new ROADBED-ID <PF2>.” Once the reference marker range of the Roadbed-Id displays, enter and verify the new value, then press <F2>.

TRMxxx165 - (Fatal) “Highlighted field(s) do not correspond to the ROADBED-ID entered.” Certain attributes require certain Roadbed-Id values. Enter a valid attribute or Roadbed-Id value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx166 - (Fatal) “Only one selection is allowed.” You may select only one choice from the menu.

TRMxxx167 - (Fatal) “Maximum number of pages reached; PF-8 not valid.” The query display range selected exceeds the maximum of 100 pages, which the system cannot display. Select a smaller range.

TRMxxx168 - (Fatal) “Invalid Choice(s); please select again.” Selection must be for either multiple Length Data selections, or for only one Point Data selection. Select either multiple Length Data selections, or only one Point Data selection.

TRMxxx169 - (Fatal) “Invalid Variable 1; must be numeric.” You entered a value into the highlighted field that is not completely numeric. Enter a valid numeric value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx170 - (Fatal) “Section is contiguous within Reference-MARKER limit(s).” You cannot add a section of route where a continuous route segment already exists.

TRMxxx172 - (Fatal) “From REF-MARKER-DISP must be < or = 00.000.” The From Displacement cannot be higher than 0 when adding either a new route or new non-contiguous segment to an existing route. Verify displacement; enter a valid value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx173 - (Fatal) “To REF-MARKER-DISP must be > or = 00.000.” The To Displacement cannot be less than 0 when adding either a new route or new non-contiguous segment to an existing route. Verify displacement; enter a valid value, and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx174 - (Fatal) “Displacement out of range for route.” The From and/or To Reference Marker Displacement(s) is beyond the length of the route. Check Query or verify displacement; enter a valid value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx175 - (Fatal) “Roadbed is not contiguous within Reference-MARKER limit(s).” In order to update or delete a roadbed, that roadbed must be the only roadbed existing in TRM within the From and To Reference Marker limits. You entered a From and/or To Reference Marker Displacement(s) that extends into the gap between roadbeds. Enter a valid reference marker range and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx176 - (Fatal) “Displacement out of range for marker.” The From and/or To Reference Marker Displacement(s) is beyond or at the location of the next/previous marker. Check Query or refigure the displacement(s) and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx177 - (Fatal) “Roadbed Variable 1 cannot be deleted.” You cannot delete the entered Roadbed-Id because it is a mainlane roadbed. Use the Delete Route function to remove mileage or Update Roadbed to change the Roadbed-Id. Values appearing in Variable 1 are: K, L, or R.

TRMxxx178 - (Fatal) “Displacement cannot be negative for Tracking query function.” You entered a negative From or To Reference Marker Displacement. For the Tracking Query only, the displacement must be positive. Enter a positive value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx180 - (Warning) “WARNING! Variable 1 ROADBED WILL BE DELETED! Press PF2 or PF11.” You are updating either an L or R roadbed to a K roadbed. If updating R to K, the system deletes all associated data within the given reference marker range on roadbed L. This is also true for R if L is updated to K. Values appearing in Variable 1 are: L or R. Press <F2> to continue or <F11> to cancel.

TRMxxx181 - (Informational) “Limits for roadbed Variable 1 added or updated (HIGHWAY-STATUS = 1).” When adding or updating R or L, the system adds or updates the marker limits for the other roadbed also. Values appearing in Variable 1 are L or R.

TRMxxx182 - (Fatal) “CURVE-ID maximum reached; program must be updated.” The system-generated Curve-Id has a maximum value of 9999999. You receive this message if the system surpasses that maximum. Contact your automation administrator.

TRMxxx185 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADWAY-FEAT-SKEW for given Roadbed-Id.” For connectors, certain valid Skew values depend on the Roadbed-Id:

  • If the Roadbed-Id is R, S, or T, the skew is 1 or 2
  • If the Roadbed-Id is L, M, or P, the skew is 3 or 4
  • If the Roadbed-Id is A, B, X, or Y, the skew is 1, 2, 3, or 4.

TRMxxx186 - (Fatal) “Required elements are missing; run Required Elements Report.” You cannot update the Highway Status to a 5 or 6 until you add values for all required elements to the route. Run the appropriate Required Elements Report for the range of missing data. After adding the data to the route, re-attempt to update the Highway-Status to either 5 or 6.

TRMxxx188 - (Fatal) “User not authorized to update files.” You do not have the proper security access to update TRM. Contact your automation administrator.

TRMxxx189 - (Fatal) “Cannot redesignate an interstate to a non-interstate.” You cannot redesignate Interstate Highways to non-interstate designations. Change the Redesignation Signed Highway.

TRMxxx190 - (Warning) “ROUTE WILL BE DELETED !! Press PF2 to continue or PF11 to cancel.” Warning message that the system will delete the entire route and all associated data. Repress <F2> to continue the delete transaction or <F11> to cancel deletion.

TRMxxx192 - (Fatal) “Cannot redesignate to an interstate with 'K' roadbeds existing.” All interstate highways have at minimum left and right mainlane roadbeds. Either update the route with multiple roadbeds, or redesignate to another highway system designation.

TRMxxx194 - (Informational) “Restart/recovery pending for program Variable 1 ! Press PF4 to restart.” A system failure caused an interruption in the normal operation of the program. The system did not update TRM with your transaction. Value appearing in Variable 1 is the associated program number where the restart occurred. Press <F4> to continue with the transaction. If this does not solve the problem, contact your district’s TRM analyst immediately.

TRMxxx195 - (Fatal) “Limits for county overlap district boundaries.” The From and/or To marker displacement limits lap over into a district of which the entered County is not a part. Change the limits so that they do not overlap.

TRMxxx198 - (Fatal) “Variable 1 roadbed is not contiguous within Limits.” In order to add supplemental mainlane roadbeds, the corresponding mainlane roadbed must exist continuously within the From and To Reference Marker limits. Values appearing in Variable 1 are: L if M or P is added, or R if S or T is added. Verify the limits of the added roadbed.

TRMxxx199 - (Fatal) “REF-MARKER-SUFFIX must be blank.” The range entered on the TPP and District Required Elements reports limit screen can only be 0000 to 9999. These placeholder markers do not have suffixes.

TRMxxx200 - (Fatal) “From REF-MARKER-DISP must be < To REF-MARKER-DISP.” In order to add new routes or new route segments, the From Marker location must fall sequentially before the To Marker location.

TRMxxx201 - (Informational) “Restart detected for non-TRM application; only Variable 1 available.” A system failure caused an interruption in the normal operation of a program within another mainframe application. Values appearing in Variable 1 are: D thru F or E thru F. Determine which application caused the restart problem. Follow whatever steps are necessary within that application to correct it.

TRMxxx202 - (Fatal) “Section has more than 50 markers; redesignate smaller sections.” Due to system constraints, redesignate route segments containing only 50 or fewer markers at a time.

TRMxxx203 - (Warning) “Begin/End records may or may not appear in sequential order.” Due to system constraints, the Begin/End records may be reversed. End records for one roadbed may follow Begin records for another roadbed; end records for one roadbed may follow data records for another roadbed. Carefully examine the records displayed.

TRMxxx205 - (Fatal) “INTERSECTION-TYPE must be set to 'A'.” For the specific Roadway Feature value and/or Roadway Feature Grade, the Intersection Type value must be A (At-Grade).

TRMxxx206 - (Informational) “Job Variable 1 not submitted; contact Automation Administrator.” A system error occurred when submitting the job. Contact your automation administrator.

TRMxxx207 - (Informational) “ROADBED-ID must be 'CG' or blank.” For the specific function, query selection, or Roadway Feature Value, the only valid Roadbed-Id is CG (Centerline) or blank.

TRMxxx208 - (Fatal) “Selection must be 'Y' or 'N'.” The Save Profile selection can only be Y (Yes) or N (No).

TRMxxx209 - (Fatal) “Selection must be 'A' or 'R'.” The Msg Class selection can only be A (Automatic Print) or R (Review, do not print).

TRMxxx210 - (Informational) “Job Variable 1 cancelled at User's request.” You pressed Function Key <F11> to cancel job submittal. The program number appears in Variable 1.

TRMxxx211 - (Informational) “Job Variable 1 submitted successfully; sent to default printer.” You set the message class to A for automatic print when submitting the job. The program number appears in Variable 1. Pick up output at the printer named in the Job Submittal pop-up window.

TRMxxx213 - (Fatal) “Boundaries & Sec Rtes detected that must be deleted! – PF11 to cancel.” The Msg Class selection can only be A (Automatic Print) or R (Review, do not print).

TRMxxx215 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are K, A, B, R, S, T, X, Y, L, M, or P.” For the given function or Query selection, select only these Roadbed-IDS.

TRMxxx217 - (Fatal) “Cannot change Variable 1 roadbed to Variable 2 roadbed.” You can only change the given Roadbed-Id to a specific new Roadbed-Id value. Values appearing in s Variable 1 and Variable 2 include:

  • Original Roadbed K changed to R, L, A, X
  • Original Roadbed R changed to L, X
  • Original Roadbed L changed to R, A.

TRMxxx219 - (Fatal) “REF-MARKER-NUMBER cannot be updated more than once per screen.” Update a reference marker Number only once before pressing <F2> to update TRM with the screen information.

TRMxxx220 - (Fatal) “REF-MARKER-NBR currently exists with a different REF-MARKER-SUFFIX.” You added a marker number that currently resides in TRM with a suffix other than the one entered on the screen. The same marker number cannot reside in TRM more than once.

TRMxxx221 - (Fatal) “Cannot add Bound Beg or End pt. within a Bound of the same type.” Boundary points of the same type cannot overlap each other. Check Query or verify the location of the boundary points.

TRMxxx223 - (Informational) “Job Variable 1 submitted successfully: output in ROSCOE.” The system successfully submitted the batch job. The program number appears in Variable 1. Logon to ROSCOE to view/print the output.

TRMxxx224 - (Fatal) “Degree of Curve degrees + minutes + seconds must be > 0 and < 90.” The sum of degrees + minutes + seconds for Degree of Curve must fall within 0 and 90. The individual fields have their own fixed ranges also. Adjust the degrees and/or minutes and/or seconds so that the sum is within 0 and 90.

TRMxxx225 - (Fatal) “You not authorized for TRM access.” Your signon Id does not have an application-control record on file with ISD. You cannot access any of the functions within the TRM environment. Press <F12> to exit the TRM system and contact your automation administrator.

TRMxxx228 - (Fatal) “INT-TYPE can only be changed from 'A' to 'B' or from 'B' to 'A'.” Intersection Type can only change from A (At Grade) to B (Grade separated intersection) or from B to A. The Intersection Type cannot change to or from types C (Interchange) or D (Channelized). Change the Intersection Type to A or B as appropriate, or delete the feature and re-enter with either an Intersection Type C or D.

TRMxxx229 - (Fatal) “Invalid Variable 1; cannot have special characters or blanks.” The HPMS Current Id cannot have special characters (i.e., # $ % ^ & *) or blanks. Values appearing in Variable 1 include HPMS-Current-Id.

TRMxxx233 - (Fatal) “Links detected that must be deleted! Press PF11 to cancel.” You cannot delete or redesignate a route if a link exists within the From and To marker range. This message displays if the deleted or redesignated route is the low-ordered route in the link situation. Identify the limits of the link using either the query facility or the ARI diagram. Delete the link and then re-enter the range to delete or redesignate.

TRMxxx234 - (Informational) “You already signed on with same logon id; only Variable 1 available.” You cannot be signed onto both TRM and any other mainframe application at the same time. Values appearing in Variable 1 include: D thru F or E thru F. Log off both applications and log on to TRM again.

TRMxxx235 - (Fatal) “Cannot enter a length data selection and a point data selection.” You may only select length data or point data from the submenu. Select either multiple length selections or one point selection.

TRMxxx236 - (Fatal) “Cannot change LINK-TYPE-CODE from Variable 1 to Variable 2.” You cannot change the Link Type from or to a 23--Off-system link. Variable 1/:?? includes values 21/23, 22/23, 23/21, and 23/22. Change the Link Type to a valid value or delete the current link and re-enter a link with the desired value.

TRMxxx237 - (Fatal) “SUFFIX must be next sequential letter from Tracking record SUFFIX.” You add a Reference Marker Number already existing in the TRM- Tracking file. The Suffix attached to this marker is not the next sequential alphabet letter from that marker + suffix listed in the Tracking file. Verify what the suffix should be.

TRMxxx238 - (Fatal) “Invalid LINK-TYPE-CODE; valid codes are 21, 22, 23.” You entered a value other than 21 thru 23 for the Link- Type field. Enter a valid Link-Type value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx240 - (Fatal) “SUFFIX must be blank when no Tracking record exists.” You added a Reference Marker Number not existing in the TRM- Tracking file. The Suffix portion of the marker number must be blank.

TRMxxx249 - (Informational) “Up through Reference-MARKER Variable 1 was Variable 2.” The Marker Data screen allows for up to eight markers to process within one transaction. If there is an error with one of the transaction lines, the system processes all valid lines up to that point, but processing stops at the error line. Values appearing in Variable 1 are the last valid marker number entered. Values appearing in Variable 2 are: added, updated, or deleted.

TRMxxx250 - (Fatal) “Variable 1 roadbed already exists within limits.” You added a roadbed already existing in TRM within the From and To reference marker range entered. Values appearing in Variable 1 are the Roadbed-Id entered.

TRMxxx252 - (Fatal) “Overlaps existing Variable 1 Designation; cannot add or update to Variable 2.” You added or updated a secondary route overlapping another designation of the same type. Values appearing in s Variable 1 and Variable 2 are the different Secondary Route Types.

TRMxxx253 - (Fatal) “To REF-MARKER-NBR must equal '9999'.” The To Reference Marker Number on both the TPP and District Required Elements reports limits screen must be 9999 only. Enter 9999 in the To Reference Marker Number field.

TRMxxx254 - (Fatal) “Cannot change concurrency at Variable 1 of route to on-system link.” You cannot change a concurrency to an on-system link if the concurrency exists at either the beginning or ending of the route. Values appearing in Variable 1 are begin or end. Press any exit key to exit from the screen.

TRMxxx255 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are K, A, B, R, S, T, X, Y, L, M, P, or BLANK.” These are the valid Roadbed-Id values for listing Query selection C: Roadbed-Id Data.

TRMxxx256 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are K, A, B, R, S, T, X, Y, L, M, N, P, C, BLANK.” These are the valid values for entering Pavement data to the District Length Data entry screen.

TRMxxx257 - (Fatal) “Cannot change L or R roadbed to K with other roadbeds existing.” You must remove supplemental mainlanes and any other frontage roads before updating either R or L roadbed to K. Remove other roadbeds before re-entering this transaction.

TRMxxx259 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are K, R, or L.” You may update only roadbeds K, R, or L to other Roadbed-IDS.

TRMxxx261 - (Fatal) “Gap not found at FROM-REF-MARKER-GRP.” You must add new route segments and on-system or off-system links at roadway gaps. The From Reference Marker location point marks the gap point. Verify the From Reference Marker location.

TRMxxx263 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid code is NG.” Only NG is a valid Roadbed-Id for Query Selection F, Median Data (combination of mainlanes R, L, M, S, P, T).

TRMxxx264 - (Fatal) “Baseline Bearing degrees + minutes + seconds must be <= 90.” The sum of degrees + minutes + seconds for baseline bearing degrees must be less than or equal to 90. The individual fields (degrees, minutes, seconds) have their own fixed ranges also. Adjust the degrees and/or minutes and/or seconds so that the sum is <= 90.

TRMxxx265 - (Fatal) “Redesignation Reference-MARKER must be at a gap point.” In order to fill the roadway gap of the receiving route with the sending route segment, the highlighted reference marker field must be the exact gap point of the receiving route.

TRMxxx266 - (Fatal) “Redesignation Reference-MARKER must be at beginning of route.” In order to add the new sending route segment to the beginning of the receiving route, the highlighted reference marker field must be the exact point of the beginning of the receiving route.

TRMxxx267 - (Fatal) “Redesignation Reference-MARKER must be at end of route.” In order to add the new sending route segment to the ending of the receiving route, the highlighted reference marker field must be the exact point of the ending of the receiving route.

TRMxxx270 - (Fatal) “LINK point range already exists on this SIGNED-Highway.” The From and To Reference Marker range entered for the link already exists in TRM. Check Query or verify the location of the entered range for the link or exit the screen.

TRMxxx272 - (Fatal) “ROADBED-ID must be 'CG'.” Only CG is a valid Roadbed-Id for the Boundary Types with a value. Enter a CG Roadbed-Id.

TRMxxx273 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are N, X, Y, A, B, or K.” These are the valid values for entering specific features on the District/TPP Point Data screens.

TRMxxx274 - (Fatal) “SIGNED-HIGHWAY must be the Low-Ordered route for Concurrency.” The hierarchy of the Signed Highway must be the low-order, high-number route as compared to the Link Signed Highway.

TRMxxx275 - (Fatal) “Concurrency cannot be added to route beginning with whole number.” You cannot add a concurrency to a highway which has a marker located at the exact beginning of route (displacement is 00.000). Adjust the marker to a location not at the exact beginning of route.

TRMxxx276 - (Fatal) “KG roadbed is not valid when HIGHWAY SYSTEM = 'IH'.” All Interstate Highways have at minimum left and right mainlane roadbeds.

TRMxxx277 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; Roadbed does not exist within range specified.” The Roadbed-Id entered with the transaction does not exist in TRM within the given From and To Reference Marker range. Check Query or change the Roadbed-Id to a valid Roadbed-Id.

TRMxxx278 - (Fatal) “New REF-MKR-NUM must be < existing REF-MKR-NUM if DISP is negative.” The new Reference Marker Number must be sequentially lower than the existing marker number when the Reference Marker Displacement Sign is negative. Change new marker number or change sign to +.

TRMxxx279 - (Fatal) “Invalid New ROADBED-ID; valid codes are K, R, L, X, or A.” The new Reference Marker Number must have one of the five listed valid values. Enter a valid new Roadbed-Id or exit the screen making no changes.

TRMxxx280 - (Fatal) “Only one existing gap can lie between consecutive REF-MARKER-NBRs.” You cannot delete or move a reference marker so that it creates an additional gap between consecutive reference markers. Verify the deleted or new location marker.

TRMxxx281 - (Fatal) “CROSSOVER invalid; KG roadbed exists at this location.” You cannot add or relocate a crossover to a point in which roadbed KG exists. Verify the location of the crossover.

TRMxxx282 - (Fatal) “Invalid INTERSECTION-TYPE code; valid codes are A or B.” Intersection Types A (at grade) and B (Grade separated) are valid for all non-roadway intersections. Change the Intersection Type to A or B.

TRMxxx283 - (Fatal) “Invalid SUFFIX; enter next sequential letter from Existing SUFFIX.” After relocating the updated reference marker, the suffix must be the next sequential alphabet letter from the existing Reference Marker Number. Check Query or change the suffix to the next sequential letter.

TRMxxx284 - (Fatal) “From REF-MARKER-NBR must equal '0000'.” The From Reference Marker Number on both the TPP/District Required Elements reports limits screen must be 0000 only.

TRMxxx285 - (Fatal) “At least one transaction must be entered.” You must enter a transaction on the screen before pressing <F2>.

TRMxxx286 - (Fatal) “New REF-MARKER-NUM cannot = existing REF-MKR-NUM for add.” The new Reference Marker Number cannot equal the existing marker number entered. Change the new marker number or change existing marker number so that they are not the same.

TRMxxx287 - (Fatal) “REF-MARKER-DISP cannot = 0 for add or update.” The displacement to the new Reference Marker Number must be greater than zero. Change the displacement to the appropriate positive or negative value.

TRMxxx288 - (Fatal) “HIGHWAY-STATUS-CODE = Variable 1 exists within range; cannot update.” You cannot update the Highway Status to 6 (open to traffic, all data in) or 7 (emergency closing) depending on the current status of the roadway. Values appearing in Variable 1 are:

  • If trying to update status 1, 2, 3, 4 to 6, then update Highway Status to a 5 (open to traffic, all district data in) before updating to a 6.
  • If trying to update status 1, 2, 3 to 7, then the status of the roadway must be open to traffic before it can be closed.

TRMxxx289 - (Fatal) “At least one selection must be entered.” You must make at least one submenu selection to continue processing.

TRMxxx293 - (Fatal) “At least one highlighted field must be left blank.” You may enter only one curve point in order to retrieve a curve record for update or delete.

TRMxxx298 - (Fatal) “SKEW-TYPE must be set to '1'.” You must value the Skew Type as 1 (intersection stops at roadway), for the specific Roadway Feature value and/or Intersecting Feature Type.

TRMxxx299 - (Fatal) “Structure Number must be blank when Grade = G or D.” The system only allows a Structure Number when Grade is U (feature is Up); otherwise, the number does not apply.

TRMxxx301 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are K, R, S, T, L, M, or P.” Only roadbeds K, R, S, T, L, M, or P are valid roadbeds for processing connectors.

TRMxxx302 - (Fatal) “New Reference-MARKER already exists on Tracking file.” The reference marker given to the new route segment or new non-contiguous route segment already exists for this route on the Tracking file. Select a new number or add a suffix.

TRMxxx304 - (Fatal) “SHOULDER-WIDTH entered must be > '0' when SHOULDER-TYPE > '1'.” A Shoulder Type greater than 1 indicates that a shoulder exists. You must enter a width of greater than 0 feet.

TRMxxx306 - (Fatal) “BASELINE BEARING TYPE already exists at this point.” A Bearing record of the same type as that entered on the screen already exists at this location.

TRMxxx307 - (Warning) “Counties & boundaries within range will be deleted; Press PF2/PF11.” The system deletes all County Numbers and Boundary Type C records within the given From and To Reference Marker range due to the change in District-Id. Press <F2> to continue the transaction or <F11> to cancel the transaction.

TRMxxx308 - (Fatal) “MEDIAN-WIDTH-MEAS must be '0' if MEDIAN-TYPE-CODE = '0'.” There is no Median Width where the Median Type is One-Way Pair. Verify the Median Data.

TRMxxx309 - (Fatal) “MEDIAN-WIDTH-MEAS must be > 0 if MEDIAN-TYPE-CODE = 1, 2, or 3.” The system requires Median Width when Median Type is 1 (curbed), 2 (positive barrier), or 3 (unprotected).

TRMxxx313 - (Fatal) “Invalid MEDIAN-TYPE; valid codes are '0 thru '3'.” You entered a value other than 0 thru 3. Enter a valid Median Type and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx314 - (Fatal) “SHOULDER-WIDTH/USE must = 0 when SHOULDER-TYPE = 1.” You may not enter values for either Shoulder-Width or Use if no Shoulder exists. Enter zeros into both the Shoulder Width and Use fields.

TRMxxx315 - (Fatal) “Cannot update MEDIAN data for range containing 'K' Roadbed.” Medians reside on route only where R and L roadbeds exist.

TRMxxx316 - (Fatal) “A PI POINT already exists at this point.” Only one PI Curve point can reside at any given point on the route.

TRMxxx317 - (Fatal) “Cannot Variable 1; conflict in existing curve data point(s).” You either added or updated a curve that overlaps a curve already existing in TRM. Values appearing in Variable 1 are: Add or Update.

TRMxxx318 - (Fatal) “Invalid LATITUDE; value must be from 255012.0000 to 363000.0000.” You entered an out-of-range value. The error message lists the valid range.

TRMxxx319 - (Fatal) “Invalid LONGITUDE; value must be from 963029.0000 to 1063844.0000.” You entered an out-of-range value. The error message lists the valid range.

TRMxxx320 - (Fatal) “Invalid ELEVATION; value must be from 0000.00 to 8749.00.” You entered an out-of-range value. The error message lists the valid range.

TRMxxx321 - (Fatal) “Invalid range; From point at end/To point at begin roadbeds.” The From and To Reference Marker range resides at the exact end and begin of the given roadbed, respectively.

TRMxxx322 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are K, R, S, T, L, M, P, or N.” Only roadbeds K, R, S, T, L, M, P, or N are valid roadbeds for processing On-system intersections that intersect the mainlanes of other on-system routes. Enter a valid Roadbed-Id or verify the Roadway Feature value and/or Intersecting Feature Type.

TRMxxx323 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are A, B, X, or Y.” Only roadbeds A, B, X, or Y are valid roadbeds for processing On-system intersections which intersect the frontage roads of other on-system routes. Enter a valid Roadbed-Id or verify the Roadway Feature value and/or Intersecting Feature Type.

TRMxxx324 - (Fatal) “Only one CURVE POINT can be entered.” To recall the curve record for update or delete, enter only one of the existing curve points.

TRMxxx325 - (Fatal) “Length of new route section cannot be < = 0.” The calculated length of the new route segment must be greater than zero. Enter the From and To Reference Marker Displacements so that the calculated length is greater than zero.

TRMxxx326 - (Fatal) “Coordinate already exists; must be updated.” A marker coordinate already exists at the reference marker location entered on the screen.

TRMxxx327 - (Fatal) “Invalid BOUNDARY-TYPE; valid codes are A - O.” You entered a Boundary Type value other than A thru O. Enter a valid Boundary Type value and press <F2> or <E>.

TRMxxx328 - (Informational) “Enter SIGNED-HIGHWAY and Reference-MARKERS for coordinates <E>.” The system requires the Signed Highway + Reference Marker for retrieving and updating records.

TRMxxx329 - (Fatal) “Coordinates do not exist in database; must be added.” You entered the coordinates for update that do not exist at the given reference marker. Check Query or verify the location and coordinates entered.

TRMxxx331 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid code is K.” The Roadbed-Id must be KG when the Roadway Feature value = 33 (intersecting feature) and when Intersecting Feature Type = 91 (Cattle Guard) or 92 (Gate).

TRMxxx333 - (Fatal) “REF-MARKER-DISP must be < or = 0.” In order to add a contiguous route segment to either the beginning of the route or to the ending of a gap, the From Reference Marker Displacement must be either less than or greater than zero.

TRMxxx335 - (Fatal) “ROADBED-ID must be CG for fields selected for query.” The only valid Roadbed-Id for the selected Query screen is CG.

TRMxxx336 - (Fatal) “ENTR is invalid; change SIGNED-HIGHWAY, REF-MARKER-GRP or RDBD-ID.” <E> is only valid when the Signed Highway, From or To Reference Marker Groups, or Roadbed-Id change to new values. Enter a new value for Signed Highway, From or To Reference Marker Groups, or Roadbed-Id or press an exit function key to exit the screen.

TRMxxx337 - (Fatal) “Variable 1 is invalid if range is changed; press <ENTR> to process range.” You may press only <F7> (scroll forward) and <F8> (scroll backward) if you have not changed the Signed Highway, From/To Reference Marker range, or the Roadbed-Id (when applicable). Values appearing in Variable 1 are: <F7> or <F8>. Enter a new value for Signed Highway, From or To Reference Marker Groups, or Roadbed-Id (if applicable) or press an exit function key to exit the screen.

TRMxxx338 - (Fatal) “Variable 1 can only be added once for REF-MARKER-NBR.” The Marker Coordinate data (latitude, longitude, and elevation) can exist once for any given reference marker. Values appearing in Variable 1 are Latitude, Longitude, and Elevation.

TRMxxx339 - (Fatal) “Range cannot cross highway design change.” The From and To marker range cannot cross from an R/L pair to K roadbed when processing Medians.

TRMxxx340 - (Fatal) “ENTR is invalid; change SIGNED-HIGHWAY or REF-MARKER-GRP.” <E> is only valid when the Signed Highway, or From or To Reference Marker Groups change to new values. Enter a new value for Signed Highway, or From or To Reference Marker Groups, or press and exit function key to exit the screen.

TRMxxx341 - (Fatal) “REF-MARKER-NBR already entered.” The Marker Coordinate Data screen accepts up to eight lines of data. However, you may enter a given reference marker only once before pressing <F2>.

TRMxxx342 - (Fatal) “ROADBED-ID must be K, A, B, R, S, T, X, Y, L, M, P, or C.” Only these Roadbed-IDS are valid for submitting the District Required Elements Reports.

TRMxxx343 - (Fatal) “ROADBED-ID must be K, A, B, R, S, T, X, Y, L, M, or P.” Only these Roadbed-IDS are valid for Query Selection P.

TRMxxx344 - (Fatal) “Signed Highway cannot be added--exists on Tracking.” This route already exists on the TRM- Tracking file. You cannot add this route to the production database.

TRMxxx347 - (Fatal) “Roadbeds R and L must exist before other roadbeds are added.” You cannot add other supplementary or frontage roadbed sections until you add the mainlanes (R and L).

TRMxxx349 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are N, X, Y, A, B, or C.” Only the listed Roadbed-IDS are valid for Query Selection K or for processing boundaries on the District/TPP Point Data entry screen.

TRMxxx350 - (Fatal) “Invalid ROADBED-ID; valid codes are N, X, Y, A, or B.” Only the above-listed Roadbed-IDS are valid for Query Selections D, L, or N.

TRMxxx351 - (Fatal) “Invalid values; see Matrix of Attributes.” You must enter specific data fields together and must enter specific values depending on the matrix.

TRMxxx352 - (Fatal) “Invalid jobname suffix; cannot have special characters or blank.” The Jobname Suffix field in the TRM User Job Submission window can only be a letter A thru Z or a number 0 thru 9. Characters such as @ # $ % are invalid.

TRMxxx353 - (Fatal) “REF-MARKER-DISP must be equal to 00.000 or 0.” The From and To Reference Marker Displacement fields on the District/TPP Required Elements Report entry screen must be zero. Enter 00.000 or 0 into the From and To Reference Marker fields.

TRMxxx354 - (Fatal) “Route opened, but required elements missing; please query.” The batch Missing Elements Report produces this message. Add missing data through TRM.

TRMxxx355 - (Fatal) “Requested function is not available due to END-OF-MONTH processing.” Certain functions related to routes and markers are not available from the 13th to the 28th of each month. TPP performs End of Month processing during this time.

TRMxxx356 - (Fatal) “Requested function is not available due to END-OF-YEAR processing.” Certain functions related to routes and markers are not available during End of Year processing.

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