Anchor: #i1086255

Section 5: District Feature Input Instructions

Anchor: #i1086260

About This Section

The features listed in this section include definitions, descriptions, and input instructions of features for which the district is solely responsible.

Anchor: #i1086270

Cattle Guards

Structures placed in roadways to permit vehicle, but not animal, passage over roadways (Intersecting Feature Type 91):

Cattle Guards also warn drivers to watch
for livestock on the roadway. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1011581grtop

Figure 11-16. Cattle Guards also warn drivers to watch for livestock on the roadway.

Cattle guard on off-system roadway. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1011583grtop

Figure 11-17. Cattle guard on off-system roadway.

Follow these input instructions to add cattle guards:

Anchor: #i1053586Add Cattle Guards





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new cattle guard data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade Value G
  • Int Feature Type 91
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete cattle guards:

Anchor: #i1053610Delete Cattle Guards





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, selectUpdate-Code 21H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted cattle guards

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update cattle guard location:

Anchor: #i1053638Update Cattle Guard Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update cattle guard attributes:

Anchor: #i1053666Update Cattle Guard Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature value
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086318


Connectors are roadway segments which join the mainlane roadbed of one route to a mainlane roadbed of another route; measured from the gore point, which is the area immediately beyond the divergence of two roadbeds, bounded by the edges of those roadbeds:

Right mainlane #1 connected to left mainlane
#2. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1012810grtop

Figure 11-18. Right mainlane #1 connected to left mainlane #2.

Measure connectors at gore points for each
highway connected. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #HONFNKGNgrtop

Figure 11-19. Measure connectors at gore points for each highway connected.

Follow these input instructions to add connectors:

Anchor: #i1053698Add Connectors





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new connector data and displays the message "Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 31
  • Feature Skew Quad only
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete connectors:

Anchor: #i1053722Delete Connectors





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, selectUpdate-Code 21H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Feature Skew Quad


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted connectors

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update connectors location:

Anchor: #i1053750Update Connectors Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screens, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears and a prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update connectors attributes:

Anchor: #i1053778Update Connectors Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Feature Skew Quad


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Feature Skew Quad
  • Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086364


Crossovers are roadways between two roadbeds that allow a change in direction at grade on non-controlled access highways, also known as median openings; the simplest form of an intersection:

Measure crossover at NG centerline. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1014023grtop

Figure 11-20. Measure crossover at NG centerline.

Follow these input instructions to add crossovers:

Anchor: #i1053810Add Crossovers





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, selectUpdate-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new crossover data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade G
  • Intersecting Feature Type 65
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete crossovers:

Anchor: #i1053834Delete Crossovers





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted crossovers

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu.
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update crossover location:

Anchor: #i1053862Update Crossovers Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update crossover attributes:

Anchor: #i1053890Update Crossovers Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086400


Culverts are any structure under a roadway (less than 20 feet wide), usually for drainage (see Figure 11-22), with a clear opening, measured along the center of the roadway between inside of the end walls:

Measure at center of culverts at centerline. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1015273grtop

Figure 11-21. Measure at center of culverts at centerline.

Multiple box culvert. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1015277grtop

Figure 11-22. Multiple box culvert.

Culvert Fill Depth is the depth of embankment, fill, earth, or base over the top most part of the culvert, measured to the nearest foot.

Follow these input instructions to add culverts:

Anchor: #i1053922Add Culverts





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, selectUpdate-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new culvert data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade D
  • Feature Skew Quad-Type 1-Angle
  • Culvert Fill Depth (District only), values 00 to 99 in feet, to top of pipe
  • Intersecting Feature Type--In ascending marker direction
    • water flow right to left = Culvert Left (73)
    • water flow left to right = Culvert Right (74)
    • water flow both directions = Culvert Both (75)
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete culverts:

Anchor: #i1053946Delete Culverts





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, selectUpdate-Code 21H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted culverts

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update culvert location:

Anchor: #i1053974Update Culverts Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update culvert attributes:

Anchor: #i1054002Update Culverts Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Feature Skew Quad-Angle
  • Culvert Fill Depth (District only), values 00 to 99 in feet, to top of pipe
  • Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086453


Gates are swinging structures which prevent traffic from entering or exiting the given roadway:

Measure where gates cross centerline. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1016561grtop

Figure 11-23. Measure where gates cross centerline.

Gates across an off-system roadway. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1016563grtop

Figure 11-24. Gates across an off-system roadway.

Follow these input instructions to add gates:

Anchor: #i1054034Add Gates





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, selectUpdate-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new gate data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade Value G
  • Intersecting Feature Type 92
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete gates:

Anchor: #i1054058Delete Gates





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, selectUpdate-Code 21H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system appears the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted gates

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update gate location:

Anchor: #i1054086Update Gates Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update gate attributes:

Anchor: #i1054114Update Gates Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Input the update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086501

Overhead Signs

Overhead Signs are highway signs mounted over one or more roadway lanes:

Measure overhead signs at centerline. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1017793grtop

Figure 11-25. Measure overhead signs at centerline.

Overhead signs provide information and
direction. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1017795grtop

Figure 11-26. Overhead signs provide information and direction.

Follow these input instructions to add overhead signs:

Anchor: #i1054146Add Overhead Signs





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new overhead sign data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade U
  • Intersecting Feature Type 93
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete overhead signs:

Anchor: #i1054170Delete Overhead Signs





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>

Results: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted overhead signs

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update overhead sign location:

Anchor: #i1054198Update Overhead Signs Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update overhead sign attributes:

Anchor: #i1054226Update Overhead Signs Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086547

Pedestrian Passageways

Pedestrian Passageways are walkways which cross either above the roadway (i.e., pedestrian bridges) or below the roadway (i.e., pedestrian tunnels):

Measure Pedestrian Passageway at centerline. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1019036grtop

Figure 11-27. Measure Pedestrian Passageway at centerline.

Pedestrian Bridge in San Angelo District. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1019038grtop

Figure 11-28. Pedestrian Bridge in San Angelo District.

Follow these input instructions to add pedestrian passageways:

Anchor: #i1054258Add Pedestrian Passageways





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Enter Location Key fields


Enter Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new pedestrian passageway data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade U or D
  • Feature Skew Quad-Type 1-Angle
  • Structure Number
    • If Grade = U, Structure Number is required
    • If Grade = D, Structure Number does not apply
  • Intersecting Feature Type 90
  • Notation (optional)


  • To enter other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To enter another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete pedestrian passageways:

Anchor: #i1054282Delete Pedestrian Passageways





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted pedestrian passageway

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update pedestrian passageway location:

Anchor: #i1054310Update Pedestrian Passageways Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update pedestrian passageway attributes:

Anchor: #i1054338Update Pedestrian Passageways Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Feature Grade (U or D)
  • Feature Skew Quad-Angle
  • Structure Number
    • If changing Grade to U, Structure Number is required
    • If changing Grade to D, Structure Number does not apply
  • Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086593


Pipelines are lines of pipe under a roadway, with pumps, valves, and control devices for conveying liquids, gases, or finely divided solids:

Estimate where underground pipeline meets
centerline of roadway. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1020365grtop

Figure 11-29. Estimate where underground pipeline meets centerline of roadway.

Pipeline warning sign. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1020367grtop

Figure 11-30. Pipeline warning sign.

Follow these input instructions to add pipelines:

Anchor: #i1054370Add Pipelines





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new pipeline data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade U or D
  • Feature Skew Quad-Type 1-Angle
  • Intersecting Feature Type 80
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete pipelines:

Anchor: #i1054394Delete Pipelines





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted pipelines

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update pipelines location:

Anchor: #i1054422Update Pipelines Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update pipelines attributes:

Anchor: #i1054450Update Pipelines Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Feature Grade (U or D)
  • Feature Skew-Quad-Angle
  • Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086639


Ramps are interconnecting roadways or traffic interchanges on which vehicles may enter or leave a designated highway, joining mainlane to frontage road or frontage road to mainlane of the same designated highway:

Measure gore point for frontage road and
mainlane. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1021621grtop

Figure 11-31. Measure gore point for frontage road and mainlane.

Follow these input instructions to add ramps:

Anchor: #i1054482Add Ramps





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen displays



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new ramp data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 32
  • Feature Skew Quad only
    • If Roadbed-Id = K, A, B, X, or Y, Quad = 1, 2, 3, or 4
    • If Roadbed-Id = R, S, or T, Quad = 1 or 2
    • If Roadbed-Id = L, M, or P, Quad = 3 or 4
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete ramps:

Anchor: #i1054506Delete Ramps





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Feature Skew Quad


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted ramps

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update ramp location:

Anchor: #i1054534Update Ramps Location




(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears


Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record


Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id

Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement

  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update ramp attributes:

Anchor: #i1054562Update Ramps Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Feature Skew Quad


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Feature Skew Quad only
  • Notation (Optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086675


Streams are water flows ranging from creeks and rivers to aqueducts. Determine the type by travelling the roadway in ascending reference marker direction:

Estimate where the stream crosses the centerline
under the roadway. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1022844grtop

Figure 11-32. Estimate where the stream crosses the centerline under the roadway.

Follow these input instructions to add streams:

Anchor: #i1054594Add Streams





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data fields press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new stream data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade
    • If Grade = G, Roadbed-Id = N, K, A, B, X or Y; Structure Number does not apply
    • If Grade = U, Structure Number required
    • If Grade = D, Structure Number does not apply
  • Feature Skew Quad-Type 1-Angle
  • Structure Number
    • If mainlane roadbeds share structure number, input one Roadbed-Id N transaction and Skew Quad 1, 2, 3, or 4
    • If mainlane roadbeds have different structure numbers, input mainlane roadbed transactions for each; input Skew Quad 1 or 2 for the right mainlanes or Skew Quad 3 or 4 for the left mainlanes
  • Int Feature Type--If traveling in ascending marker direction
    • flows from left to right = Stream-Right (71)
    • flows from right to left = Stream-Left (72)
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete streams:

Anchor: #i1054618Delete Streams





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted streams

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TPP Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update streams location:

Anchor: #i1054646Update Streams Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the location of the feature(s) being updated plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update streams attributes:

Anchor: #i1054674Update Streams Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the location of the attribute(s) being updated plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Feature Grade
    • If Grade = G, Roadbed-Id = N, K, A, B, X or Y; Structure Number does not apply
    • If Grade = U, Structure Number required
    • If Grade = D, Structure Number does not apply
  • Feature Skew Quad-Angle
  • Structure Number
    • If mainlane roadbeds share structure number, input one Roadbed-Id N transaction and Skew Quad 1, 2, 3, or 4
    • If mainlane roadbeds have different structure numbers, input mainlane roadbed transactions for each; input Skew Quad 1 or 2 for the right mainlanes or Skew Quad 3 or 4 for the left mainlanes
  • Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086711

Telephone Lines

Telephone Lines are overhead and underground communication lines:

Measure telephone lines at centerline. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1024190grtop

Figure 11-33. Measure telephone lines at centerline.

Follow these input instructions to add telephone lines:

Anchor: #i1054706Add Telephone Lines





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 22H.

Result: The Point Data Screen appears



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new telephone line data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade U or D
  • Feature Skew Quad-Type 1-Angle
  • Int Feature Type 82
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete telephone lines:

Anchor: #i1054730Delete Telephone Lines




(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 21H.

Result: The Point Data screen appears


Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted telephone lines

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update telephone lines location:

Anchor: #i1054758Update Telephone Lines Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 23H.

Result: The Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears and a prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Feature Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update telephone lines attributes:

Anchor: #i1054786Update Telephone Lines Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 23H.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Feature Grade (U or D)
  • Feature Skew Quad-Angle
  • Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086747

Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines are overhead and underground power and communication lines:

Measure Transmission Lines at centerline. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1025470grtop

Figure 11-34. Measure Transmission Lines at centerline.

 Electrical transmission lines. (click in image to see full-size image)

Figure 11-35. Electrical transmission lines.

Follow these input instructions to add transmission lines:

Anchor: #i1054818Add Transmission Lines





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears




Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new transmission line data and displays message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade U or D
  • Feature Skew Quad-Type 1-Angle
  • Int Feature Type 81
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10> twice

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete transmission lines:

Anchor: #i1054842Delete Transmission Lines





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted transmission lines

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update transmission lines location:

Anchor: #i1054870Update Transmission Lines Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu displays



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the location of the feature(s) being updated plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F3> three times

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update transmission lines attributes:

Anchor: #i1054898Update Transmission Lines Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the location of the attribute(s) being updated plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Feature Grade (U or D)
  • Feature Skew Quad-Angle
  • Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086793


Turnaround Back connects a roadbed, under a structure, whose direction of travel is the increasing reference marker order with a roadbed whose direction of travel is decreasing reference marker order.

Turnaround Forward connects a roadbed, under a structure, whose direction of travel is the decreasing reference marker order with a roadbed whose direction of travel is increasing reference marker order:

Measure from beginning turnaround curve
to ending turnaround curve at centerline.. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1026745grtop

Figure 11-36. Measure from beginning turnaround curve to ending turnaround curve at centerline..

Follow these input instructions to add turnarounds:

Anchor: #i1054930Add Turnarounds





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, selectUpdate-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>. Result: The system updates TRM with the new turnaround data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade
    • If Grade = G, Int Type must = B; valid Roadbed ID values = X, Y, A, or B
    • If Int Type = A, then Grade must = G
    • If Grade = U or D, Int Type must = B and input Structure Number; valid Roadbed ID values = N, K, M, S, P, or T
  • Structure Number
    • If mainlane roadbeds share structure number, input one Roadbed-Id N transaction and Skew Quad 1, 2, 3, or 4
    • If mainlane roadbeds have different structure numbers, input mainlane roadbed transactions for each; input Skew Quad 1 or 2 for the right mainlanes or Skew Quad 3 or 4 for the left mainlanes
  • Int Type (can only be A or B)
  • Int Feature Type
    • If re-entering traffic from turnaround in descending marker direction, input turnaround backward (66)
    • If re-entering traffic from turnaround in ascending marker direction, input turnaround forward (67)
  • Notation (optional)


  • To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete turnarounds:

Anchor: #i1054954Delete Turnarounds





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted turnaround

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update turnarounds location:

Anchor: #i1054982Update Turnarounds Location




(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears and a prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

Reference Marker Number and Suffix of either the begin or end point and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement to either the begin or end point


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update turnarounds attributes:

Anchor: #i1055010Update Turnarounds Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the location of the attribute(s) being updated plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Feature Grade
  • Structure Number
  • Int Type (only change from A to B or from B to A)
  • Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086840

Water Lines

Water Lines are structures carrying water under a roadway:

Estimate where water lines cross under
roadway centerline. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1028038grtop

Figure 11-37. Estimate where water lines cross under roadway centerline.

Follow these input instructions to add water lines:

Anchor: #i1055042Add Water Lines




(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>.

Result: The Point Data screen appears


Input Location Key fields

Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new water line data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade U or D; if Grade = U, input Structure Number
  • Feature Skew Quad-Type 1-Angle
  • Int Feature Type 83
  • Notation (optional)

  • To add another feature, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step
  • To enter another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete water lines:

Anchor: #i1055066Delete Water Lines





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>

Result: The Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted water lines

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update water lines location:

Anchor: #i1055094Update Water Lines Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix
  • (+) or (–)Reference Marker Sign
  • Reference Marker Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


  • To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update water lines attributes:

Anchor: #i1055122Update Water Lines Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>.

Result: The Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>.

Result: A prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Feature Grade (U or D)
  • Feature Skew Quad-Angle
  • Notation (optional)


  • To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


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