Chapter 4: ARI & Report Processing

Anchor: #i1016235

Section 1: Automated Road Inventory Diagram

Anchor: #i1016242

What is an ARI?

ARI is the acronym for Automated Roadway Inventory diagram. It takes information from TRM and creates an automated straight-line diagram of the selected route:

  • ARI replaces the previously hand-drawn RI-1 diagram, which is a visual roadway record by TPP, showing all highways maintained by the department
  • ARI allows the TRM user to produce an accurate and current graphical representation of any desired segment of highway in TRM
  • ARI is a computer-generated straight-line diagram of a highway that consists of two parts: graphics and text
    • The graphics portion of the diagram appears across the middle of the page showing features and readings (DFO, DIS, or both) of the roadway
    • The text appears above and/or below the graphics and shows roadbed specific and administrative attribute data. Click ARI diagram to view a sample ARI.

Processing an ARI involves steps in three different systems: TRM, ROSCOE Mainframe, and MicroStation software. Follow the input instructions to process an ARI diagram.

Anchor: #i1016303

TRM System ARI Processing

Log on to TRM; the Texas Reference Marker System Main Menu appears:

Texas Reference Marker System Main Menu. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i998693grtop

Figure 4-1. Texas Reference Marker System Main Menu.

Input an ‘F’ in Type Choice and press <E>; the Report Processing Selection Menu appears:

Report Processing Selection Menu. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i998695grtop

Figure 4-2. Report Processing Selection Menu.

For an ARI, input ‘B’ in Type Choice and press <E>; the Standard ARI File Name screen appears:

Standard ARI File Name screen. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i998697grtop

Figure 4-3. Standard ARI File Name screen.

Enter an easy-to-remember name for the file (i.e. IH035, US290; first character must be a letter) and press <E>; the File Transfer Information screen appears:

The System enters the IP Address and Server
Directory for you. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i998699grtop

Figure 4-4. The System enters the IP Address and Server Directory for you.

Input your User Id and top secret Windows Password and press <E>; the Diagram Limits screen appears:

Diagram Limits screen. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i998701grtop

Figure 4-5. Diagram Limits screen.

This table lists the Required/Optional input fields on the Diagram Limits screen:

Anchor: #i1011555Diagram Limits Screen Descriptions



Signed Highway

  • System (Required)
  • Number (Required)
  • Suffix (Optional)

From Reference Marker

  • Number (Required)
  • Suffix (Optional)
  • Displacement (Optional)

To Reference Marker

  • Number (Required)
  • Suffix (Optional)
  • Displacement (Optional)

Input all required plus any optional fields and press <E>. The system searches for information within the specific Signed Highway and Reference Marker range, then the TRM User Job Submission dialog box appears:

TRM User Job Submission dialog box. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i998923grtop

Figure 4-6. TRM User Job Submission dialog box.

This table explains the five input fields on the TRM User Job Submission dialog box:

Anchor: #i1011571Report Submittal Window









Name of report requestor

19 alpha


All characters


VPS Printer Id assigned to the target mainframe printer

4 alpha

Default printer Id

Any valid printer Id

Msg Class

Value determines whether the system holds the output for review or prints automatically

1 alpha


(R)eview or (A)utomatic print

Job Name

Name given to the job for access in ROSCOE; the last character must be entered to differentiate one report from another

1 alpha


A-Z, 0-9

Save Profile

Value determines whether the system saves Requestor, Printer, and Msg Class fields

1 alpha


(Y)es or (N)o

NOTE: After saving the profile, the values in the first three fields will always appear the same. If any of the fields change, save the profile again.

Make modifications to the TRM User Job Submission pop-up window and press <F2>.

Important: Remember the Job Name! You need it to identify your job in ROSCOE output.

Success message.  Remember the Job Name! (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i999405grtop

Figure 4-7. Success message. Remember the Job Name!

A message indicates that the job was submitted successfully. Press <F12> to exit TRM and log-off the mainframe, then access the submitted job through ROSCOE.

Anchor: #i1016470

ROSCOE ARI Processing

Follow these input instructions to continue processing the ARI thru ROSCOE:

Double-click on the computer desktop Mainframe icon and the initial mainframe screen appears. Input the name of your regional central ROSCOE site and press <E>:

Start-up page for mainframe sessions. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i999421grtop

Figure 4-8. Start-up page for mainframe sessions.

The ROSCOE signon screen appears:

ROSCOE sign-in. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i999423grtop

Figure 4-9. ROSCOE sign-in.

Input your Key (User Id) Number and top secret Password and press <E>; continue pressing <E> through all message screens; a blank screen appears:

Blank screen for DOUT. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i999425grtop

Figure 4-10. Blank screen for DOUT.

Input ‘DOUT’ at the cursor and press <E>; the PC.DOUT screen appears:

PC.DOUT screen. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i999427grtop

Figure 4-11. PC.DOUT screen.

At the cursor, input the Jobname from the TRM report process and press <E>; all jobs with your jobname appear along with the status of the jobs:

Jobname screen. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i999429grtop

Figure 4-12. Jobname screen.

This table describes the Jobname screen:

Anchor: #i1011611DOUT Screen




System-assigned job number


Name of the job entered in the TRM User Job Submission pop-up window


Status of the job:

  • AWAITING PRINT (H)—ready to review (msg. class = R)
  • AWAITING PRINT—ready to print (msg. class = A)
  • EXECUTING—running
  • AWAITING EXECUTION—in queue waiting to run


Message Class--A, R, or blank


Destination of output—this is the printer Id entered in the TRM User Job Submission pop-up window


If STATUS of the job is EXECUTING, the queue position of the job is listed here [example: POS(2) means “queue position number 2”]

NOTE: If the submitted job is message class = A (automatic print), the output goes to the printer named in the Job Submittal pop-up window. Do not continue with the next step

Select the job to review under the JOBNO column. If more than one job is listed, input the number of the job to review and press <F2>. If only one job is listed, press <F2>. The first page of the job appears:

Job Log screen. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000353grtop

Figure 4-13. Job Log screen.

To view the output, input ‘NEXT FILE’ to scroll forward through the job or ‘PREV FILE’ to scroll backward.

To exit this screen, input ‘DOFF’ at the cursor and press <E>; the system returns to the mainframe logon screen.

Continue to Generating an ARI Diagram; ROSCOE does not print the ARI.

Anchor: #i1016601

Generating an ARI Diagram

Follow these input instructions to generate and plot (print) an ARI diagram.

Select the ARI icon on your computer desktop:

ARI Icon. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000369grtop

Figure 4-14. ARI Icon.

This opens the ARI MicroStation software that runs within the MicroStation PC environment. The Automated RI-1 screen appears. Press the <PF2> key to display the ARI toolbar:

Automated RI-1 screen and ARI toolbar. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000371grtop

Figure 4-15. Automated RI-1 screen and ARI toolbar.

Choose ‘Select File’ on the ARI toolbar:

ARI Toolbar. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000373grtop

Figure 4-16. ARI Toolbar.

The File to Process window appears. Select the “.ri1” highway file you created in ROSCOE and select OK:

Example file selected. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000375grtop

Figure 4-17. Example file selected.

On the ARI Toolbar, select ‘Run’:

‘Run’ creates the ARI. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000377grtop

Figure 4-18. ‘Run’ creates the ARI.

The Select Mode dialog box appears:

‘Auto’ is a preset miles-per-page increment. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000379grtop

Figure 4-19. ‘Auto’ is a preset miles-per-page increment.

Select ‘Auto’ (preferred) for 0.5 mile per page or ‘Manual’ for any other mileage increment. If you select ‘Manual’, the Create DXF dialog box appears to allow you to change the miles per page and the mileage increment. On the Create DXF dialog box, select ‘Miles/Page’:

Select miles per page. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000381grtop

Figure 4-20. Select miles per page.

This drop-down box appears. Select the desired miles per ARI page (0.5 - 12.0):

Select mileage. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000383grtop

Figure 4-21. Select mileage.

On the Create DXF dialog box, select ‘Mile Incr.’:

Select mileage increments. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000385grtop

Figure 4-22. Select mileage increments.

This drop-down box appears. Select the desired mileage increment (0.1 - 1.0):

Select increment. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000387grtop

Figure 4-23. Select increment.

EXAMPLE: In the ARI diagram sample, the analyst selected 2 miles per page (shows the roadbed, attributes, and features for 2 miles of the roadway) at 0.1 mile increments (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc., scaled across the top of the diagram).

Select ‘OK’ to exit the Create DXF dialog box.

Select ‘OK’ or change choices. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000389grtop

Figure 4-24. Select ‘OK’ or change choices.

The Open AutoCAD Drawing File window appears; select the “.dxf” file of the highway file you created in ROSCOE and select ‘OK’:

Example file selected. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000391grtop

Figure 4-25. Example file selected.

The DWG/DXF Import dialog box appears. Select ‘Open’:

‘Open’ processes the ARI. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000393grtop

Figure 4-26. ‘Open’ processes the ARI.

This creates the ARI log sheets, which appear as in Figure 3‑51:

This ARI contains 11 pages. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000395grtop

Figure 4-27. This ARI contains 11 pages.

To customize the ARI, select ‘View’ on the ARI Toolbar:

‘View’ changes which features appear on
the ARI pages. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000397grtop

Figure 4-28. ‘View’ changes which features appear on the ARI pages.

The View Settings dialog box appears:

Shows Distance Values and features options. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000399grtop

Figure 4-29. Shows Distance Values and features options.

Select a ‘Distance Value’ of

  • Reference Marker + Displacement
  • Distance From Origin ( DFO)
  • Distance From Origin and Reference Marker + Displacement (DFO/Disp), or
  • Milepoint only.

The ‘Distance Value’ determines how closely the ARI features appear:

Select one from the list. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000401grtop

Figure 4-30. Select one from the list.

Select features to appear on the ARI by clicking the box beside the feature. Click on a check mark to remove it. When you finish selecting features, select ‘OK’:

Select all or only a few to appear on the
ARI. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000403grtop

Figure 4-31. Select all or only a few to appear on the ARI.

Anchor: #i1016917

Editing an ARI Diagram

At this point in creating an ARI, you may want to edit some of the features on the diagram to make it easier to read. This toolbar appears at the bottom of the ARI screen:

MicroStation view toolbar. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000419grtop

Figure 4-32. MicroStation view toolbar.

This table describes the various tools:

Anchor: #i1011639Editing in Microstation


Select this button(s):


After making changes to the diagram

Zoom In and Out

Make the view larger or smaller


Draw a window around a small area to view in a larger screen

Fit View

Fit all the diagram pages on the screen


Move a feature for clearer viewing


Copy a feature to place it elsewhere on the diagram


Delete a feature


Rotate a feature for clearer viewing

For further instructions, please consult the MicroStation user’s manual.

Anchor: #i1016946

Plotting an ARI Diagram

On the ARI Toolbar, select ‘Plot’:

Plot = print. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000923grtop

Figure 4-33. Plot = print.

This displays the Plot dialog box. Select ‘Plotter’:

Choose the plotter first. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000925grtop

Figure 4-34. Choose the plotter first.

The Local or Network plotting selection box appears:

Select your choice of local or network. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000927grtop

Figure 4-35. Select your choice of local or network.

Select a plotter by these guidelines:

  • A local plotter connects to the LPT port of your PC
  • A network plotter connects to a network printer defined in the print manager under Windows NT.

Select ‘OK’ on the plotter selection box, then select ‘Create Plot’ on the Plot dialog box:

This invokes the program that makes the
ARI printable. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000929grtop

Figure 4-36. This invokes the program that makes the ARI printable.

The system creates the plot files. Finally, select ‘Send Plot’:

Send plot to plotter/printer. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000931grtop

Figure 4-37. Send plot to plotter/printer.

This sends the plot files to the plotter. A window appears showing which files are plotted and sent to the printer.

Select ‘OK’:

 (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000933grtop

Figure 4-38.

and exit Microstation before generating another ARI:

Exit the ARI software, then exit Microstation. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000935grtop

Figure 4-39. Exit the ARI software, then exit Microstation.

Anchor: #i1017079

Generating Another ARI Diagram

Windows NT takes over plotting the ARI after you send the files to the plotter. You may exit MicroStation and generate another ARI diagram before the plotting finishes. Return to the TRM Main Menu and repeat the process to produce another ARI diagram.

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