Anchor: #i1085878

Section 3: TPP Feature Input Instructions

Anchor: #i1085883

About This Section

The features listed in this section include definitions, descriptions, and input instructions of features for which TPP is solely responsible.

Anchor: #i1085893


Boundaries are controlling entities, such as districts, counties, or cities, that act as limiters for road segments:

Measure boundaries at centerline. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1003724grtop

Figure 11-5. Measure boundaries at centerline.

Boundary Begin/End (Roadway Feature value 35) identifies the beginning or ending point of boundaries on a roadway segment: B (beginning of the boundary) or E (ending of the boundary).

Boundary Type values identify the type of controlling entity responsible for a given route segment:

Anchor: #i1052705Boundary Type Values












Urban ( FIPS Urban Area Number)


State Park


State Forest


Other State Reservations


Other State Agencies


Other Federal Agencies


Bureau of Indian Affairs


US Forest Service


National Park Service


Military Reservation/Corps of Engineers


No Boundary

Boundary Values is a Length data attribute associated with a given Boundary Type; input for Boundary Types B thru E:

Anchor: #i1052757Boundary Values

If Boundary Type is:

Then Boundary value is the:


District Id number


County Number


City Number


FIPS Urban Area Number

City limit. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1004081grtop

Figure 11-6. City limit.

County line. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1004085grtop

Figure 11-7. County line.

Follow these input instructions to add boundaries:

Anchor: #i1052776Add Boundaries





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>; the Point Data screen appears

Do not overlap boundary points of the same type, i.e. district boundaries crossing into other districts


Input Location Key fields

NOTE: Input the begin and end points separately; a given highway may not be contained within an entire controlling entity


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>; the system updates TRM with the new boundary data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 35
    • ‘B’ if beginning of controlling entity
    • or ‘E’ if the ending of controlling entity
  • Feature Skew Quad-Type 1-Angle
  • Boundary Type
    • Boundary Types A, B, and C = Rdbd-Id C
    • Boundary Types D thru O = Combination Mainlane Roadbeds + Frontage Roadbeds (CMR+F)
  • Boundary Value
    • Required for Boundary Types B, C, D, or E
    • If Boundary value has fewer than five characters, do not “zero-pad” field; input only the appropriate characters and leave the rest of the field blank. Example: Input District 15 as 15_ _ _, not 0 0 0 1 5
  • Notation (optional)


To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step

To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete boundaries:

Anchor: #i1052800Delete Boundaries





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>; the Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>; the system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature value
  • B/E
  • Boundary Type
  • Boundary value (when applicable)


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion; the system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted boundaries

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion; the system takes no action


To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update boundary location:

Anchor: #i1052828Update Boundaries Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>; the Update Selection Menu appears

Do not overlap boundary points of the same type, i.e. district boundaries crossing into other districts


Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>; the Point Data screen appears and a prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>; the system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>; the system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu

To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update boundary attributes:

Anchor: #i1052856Update Boundaries Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>; the Update Selection Menu appears

Do not overlap boundary points of the same type, i.e. district boundaries crossing into other districts


Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>; a prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>; the system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature value
  • B/E
  • Boundary Type
  • Boundary value (when applicable)


Input update fields and press <F2>; the system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Boundary Value
  • Feature Skew Quad, Angle
  • Notation (optional)


To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu

To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1085963

Railroad Crossings

Railroad Crossings are locations on the roadway at which train tracks cross the roadway either at grade (see Figure 11-9), above the roadway, or below the roadway.

Railroad Number is a unique identification number assigned to each individual at-grade railroad crossing by either the owning railroad or by TPP:

Measure crossing at centerline. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1005286grtop

Figure 11-8. Measure crossing at centerline.

 At-grade railroad crossing. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1005290grtop

Figure 11-9. At-grade railroad crossing.

Follow these input instructions to add railroad crossings:

Anchor: #i1052888Add Railroad Crossings





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>; the Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>; the system updates TRM with the new railroad crossing data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 33
  • Feature Grade
    • If adding Grade U (Railroad Crossing up above the roadway), Structure Number is required
    • If adding Grade G, (Railroad Crossing is at grade), Structure Number does not apply
    • If adding Grade D (Railroad Crossing is down below the roadway), Structure Number does not apply
  • Feature Skew Quad-Type 1-Angle
  • Structure Number
    • If mainlane roadbeds share structure number, input one Roadbed-Id N transaction and Skew Quad 1, 2, 3, or 4
    • If mainlane roadbeds have different structure numbers, input mainlane roadbed transactions for each; input Skew Quad 1 or 2 for the right mainlanes or Skew Quad 3 or 4 for the left mainlanes
  • Railroad DOT Number (required), value format NNNNNND (six-digit railroad number + one-letter identifier)
  • Int Feature Type 70
  • Notation (optional)


To input other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step

To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete railroad crossings:

Anchor: #i1052912Delete Railroad Crossings





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>; the Point Data screen displays



Enter Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Enter Feature Data fields and press <F2>; the system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Feature Skew-Quad/Type/Angle
  • Int Feature Type


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion; the system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted railroad crossings

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion; the system takes no action


To enter another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update railroad crossings location:

Anchor: #i1052940Update Railroad Crossings Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 23H; the Update Selection Menu displays



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>; the Point Data screen appears and a prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>; the system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>; the system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement


To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu

To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update railroad crossings attributes:

Anchor: #i1052968Update Railroad Crossings Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>; the Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>; a prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press E>; the system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

  • Roadway Feature Value
  • Feature Skew-Quad
  • Int Feature Type


Input update fields and press <F2>; the system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction

  • Feature Grade
    • If changing Grade to U, Structure Number is required
    • If changing Grade to G, Structure Number does not apply
    • If changing Grade to D, Structure Number does not apply
  • Feature Skew Quad-Angle
  • Structure Number
    • If mainlane roadbeds share structure number, input one Roadbed-Id N transaction and Skew Quad 1, 2, 3, or 4
    • If mainlane roadbeds have different structure numbers, input mainlane roadbed transactions for each; input Skew Quad 1 or 2 for the right mainlanes or Skew Quad 3 or 4 for the left mainlanes
  • Railroad Number (required), value format NNNNNND (six-digit railroad number + one-letter identifier)
  • Notation (Optional)


To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu

To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Anchor: #i1086016


Structures are bridges or other elevated roadway segments required to cross a depression or obstacle; combination of culverts equaling twenty feet wide or more (bridge-class culvert). The Roadway Records office adds, updates, or deletes structure data. District offices may update attributes associated with the structure, but cannot update the Structure Number.

The location value for a structure is the point where the structure begins if travelling the roadway in ascending marker direction. The end point is calculated for the ARI diagram using the structure length from the BRINSAP file:

Measure at beginning of structure traveling
in ascending marker order. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1006515grtop

Figure 11-10. Measure at beginning of structure traveling in ascending marker order.

Fred Hartman Bridge over the ship channel. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1006519grtop

Figure 11-11. Fred Hartman Bridge over the ship channel.

Structure Number is the 14 digit number identifying a bridge or bridge-class culvert.

EXAMPLE: 12102351005123 (Houston District, Harris County, Control-Section 3510-05):

Anchor: #i1053000Structure Number Data Values

Digit places





(1 - 25)


County Number

(001 - 254)



(0001-01 - 9999-99)


Bridge Number

(001 - 999)

Follow these input instructions to add structures:

Anchor: #i1053024Add Structures





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 22H and press <E>; the Point Data screen appears



Enter Location Key fields


Enter Feature Data fields and press <F2>; the system updates TRM with the new structure data and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Roadway Feature Value 34
  • Feature Grade G
  • Structure Number
    • If a structure exists on Roadbed N marker location, do not add another structure to that same location on any mainlane roadbed
    • If a structure record exists on a mainlane roadbed marker location, do not add another structure to that same marker location on Roadbed N
  • Notation (optional)


To enter other add feature transactions, press <F9> to clean the screen (optional) and repeat the first step

To enter another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to delete structures:

Anchor: #i1053048Delete Structures





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 21H and press <E>; the Point Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <F2>; the system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

Roadway Feature Value


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion; the system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted structures

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion; the system takes no action


To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update structures location:

Anchor: #i1053076Update Structures Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>; the Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Location and press <E>; a prompt message requests the updated feature’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields and press <E>; the system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter new Reference-Marker location” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input update fields and press <F2>; the system updates the location and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current location to update displays for another update transaction

  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix and/or Reference Marker Sign (+) or (–) and Displacement
    • If a structure exists on Roadbed N marker location, do not move another structure to that same location on any mainlane roadbed
    • If a structure record exists on a mainlane roadbed marker location, do not move another structure to that same marker location on Roadbed N


To select Update Attribute Elements, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu

To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to update structures attributes:

Anchor: #i1053104Update Structures Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23H and press <E>; the Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Update Attribute Elements and press <E>; a prompt message requests the updated attribute’s location plus any other required fields the system needs to locate the feature record



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id


Input Feature Data fields and press <E>; the system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Enter Updated Attribute Data” appears

Roadway Feature Value


Input update fields and press <F2>; the system updates the feature’s data attributes and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current attributes to update displays for another update transaction


To select Update Attribute Location, press <F3> to exit back to the Update Selection menu

To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


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