Anchor: #i1017092

Section 2: Available TRM Reports

Anchor: #i1017097

About This Section

This section describes the steps to process data to access, view, and print reports from TRM and Online Document Viewing System (ODVS). The TRM reports are as current as the data in the system; the Mile Point-Reference Marker Equivalency Report is updated on ODVS monthly. Where a report name is in red underlined text, click that name to view an example of the report.

Anchor: #i1017107

Emergency Closings

The Emergency Closings Report lists all route or route segments with Highway Status 7 ( emergency closing). These route or route segments are closed temporarily for various reasons, including flood or hazardous material spills:

Anchor: #i1011670Emergency Highway Closings Report


Provides a timely list of temporarily closed routes


Provides work zone safety for the local district office and the Central Permit Office, who must determine traffic routing around the closed segment; provides protection for traveling public

Authorized User

Any user may access this report

Criteria Needed


(Go to Report Processing)

Elements Listed on Report

Anchor: #i1017118

Routes Opened by Districts

The Routes Opened by Districts Report lists all route or route segments with Highway Status 5 (Opened to Traffic—District). These route or route segments must contain all required district data:

Anchor: #i1011689Routes Opened by Districts Report


Provides TPP with a list of routes containing all required district data. TPP enters remaining data required for the route to be open to traffic (Highway Status Code 6)


Provides TPP with a complete list of route or route segments that still require final review before opening to traffic

Authorized User

Anyone with access to the TRM system

Criteria Needed


(Go to Report Processing)

Elements Listed on Report

Anchor: #i1017130

District Required Elements

The District Required Elements Report lists From and To Reference Marker limits of a specified route on a specified roadbed missing values of required elements in your Maintenance District only:

Anchor: #i1011708District Required Elements Report


Provides each district with a list of required element value deficiencies


Each line of data listed on the report is an update transaction. Enter these transactions directly into TRM maintenance screens to update TRM

Authorized User

The district is responsible for running this report, but any TRM user may run it

Criteria Needed

  • Signed Highway
  • From Reference Marker limits (Number, Suffix, Displacement)
  • To Reference Marker limits (Number, Suffix, Displacement)
  • Roadbed-ID: Valid values re K, R, L, M, S, P, T, X, Y, A, B, and C

Elements Listed on Report

  • District ID
  • Signed Highway
  • Marker limits for missing values:
    • From Reference Marker limits (Number, Suffix, Displacement)
    • To Reference Marker limits (Number, Suffix, Displacement)
  • Roadbed-Id
  • Element Missing

(Go to Report Processing)

Missing Attributes (listed only if deficient)

A route or route segment cannot open to traffic (Highway Status 5 or 6) until the District and TPP input all required element values.

Anchor: #i1017146

TPP Required Elements

The TPP Required Elements Report lists missing values of required elements from all Districts (see District Required Elements Report). A route or route segment cannot open to traffic (Highway Status 5 or 6) until TPP inputs all required element values:

Anchor: #i1011730TPP Required Elements Report


Provides TPP with a listing of Reference Marker limits per route per roadbed that contains deficiencies in required element values


Each line of data listed on the report is in itself an update transaction. Enter transactions directly into TRM maintenance screens to update TRM

Authorized User

TPP is responsible for running this report, but any TRM user may run it

Criteria Needed

Elements Listed on Report

  • District Id
  • Signed Highway
  • Marker limits for missing values:
    • From Reference Marker limits (Number, Suffix, Displacement)
    • To Reference Marker limits (Number, Suffix, Displacement)
  • Roadbed-Id
  • Element Missing

(Go to Report Processing)

Missing Attributes (listed only if deficient)

Anchor: #i1017157

Transferred Routes

The Transferred Routes Report lists all route or route segments deleted from the TRM system within a previous year but still traceable through off-system means. The system removes transferred routes from the TRM Database and stores them to another source:

Anchor: #i1011752Transferred Routes Report


Provides a list of all route or route segments which have been removed from the TRM system, but are kept for reporting purposes


Provides TPP a list of route or route segments to incorporate into some other automated inventory source

Authorized User

Any TRM user

Criteria Needed


(Go to Report Processing)

Elements Listed on Report

Although available, transferred routes and the need for this report are rare.

Anchor: #i1017174

Mile Point-Reference Marker Equivalency

The Mile Point-Reference Marker Equivalency ( MPRME) lists current Reference Marker + Displacement locations equivalent to control-section-milepoint locations:

Anchor: #i1011771Mile Point-Reference Marker Equivalency Report


Provides a list of all routes within a county by control-section-milepoint location with the equivalent reference marker and displacement


Provides user with a complete monthly list of equivalencies so the user may enter data to an accurate location

Authorized User

Any ODVS-authorized user (if you cannot access ODVS, please contact your Automation Administrator)

Criteria Needed

(Go to ODVS Report Processing)

Elements Listed on Report

The data is listed by district number, then county number order.

Anchor: #i1017189

TRM Data Export

TRM Data Export is a comma-delimited text file containing user-requested information. TRM stores the text file at a location determined by the user’s File Transfer Protocol (FTP) information stored on the TRMARI TACS table:

Anchor: #i1011790TRM Data Export Text File


Provides a text file the user can import into various database, spreadsheet, and mapping programs


Provides user with a comma-delimited text file containing all the information the user requests

Authorized User

Any TRM user

Criteria Needed

(Go to Data Export Processing)

Elements Included in Report

  • County
  • District
  • Highway System & Number
  • Control-Section
  • One Marker for Point Data or From and To Markers for Length Data
  • Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • A DFO for Point Data or From and To DFO for Length Data
  • Roadbed-ID
  • Data Date (last item on the output)
  • Requested elements

Requested Elements Included in Report

  • All Length Data and Point Data
  • Length Data
    • Pavement
    • Maintenance
    • Administrative
    • Secondary Route
    • Boundary
  • Point Data
    • Reference Marker
    • Feature/Intersection
    • Link

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