Anchor: #i1003426

Section 2: Roadbeds

Anchor: #i1003431

Adding Roadbeds

Once establishing the mainlane roadbeds, add additional roadbeds, such as frontage roads or supplemental mainlanes, as needed. Adding Roadbeds describes the initial establishment of roadbeds. Refer to Input—Update Roadbeds to change the Roadbed-Id.

Anchor: #i1003443

Input—Add New Roadbeds

Apply these constraints when adding new Roadbed-Id's:

Anchor: #i1001823Add New Roadbeds Constraints



Roadbeds L and R

  • Add only one of the pair; the system automatically generates limits for the other
  • Roadbed R must have Roadbed L and Roadbed L must have Roadbed R
  • Always make R and L the same length
  • Input Frontage Roads built before the mainlane roadbeds as L and R

Do not add

  • Other roadbeds within marker limits where K already exists
  • K within marker limits where other roadbeds already exist
  • Roadbed-IDS N and C; these are not physical roadbeds
  • Roadbeds A, X, Y, B, M, P, S, or T unless roadbeds L and R exist
  • Roadbed K to an Interstate Highway
  • Roadbed T without a roadbed S
  • Roadbed P without a roadbed M
  • Roadbed Y without a roadbed X
  • Roadbed B without a roadbed A

Do not overlap

An existing roadbed segment with a new segment of roadbed of the same Roadbed-Id Limits

Do Add

A marker on the new segment

Follow these input instructions to add a new roadbed

Anchor: #i1001842Add Roadbed





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 12J and press <E>; the Job Location Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields and press <F2>; the system creates Roadbed Begin and End records in TRM and displays the message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • From Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • To Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id of the segment
  • NOTE: If adding Roadbed R or L, a message appears on the secondary message line indicating the system added the companion Roadbed L or R


To enter another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F3> twice

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


System Response. While it establishes the new roadbed limits, the TRM system automatically:

  • Generates beginning and ending points for the input roadbed segments on all applicable TRM files
  • Generates beginning and ending points for L roadbeds where R roadbeds were added or for R roadbeds where L roadbed were added (when applicable)
  • Generates a record for Highway Status 1 indicating that the roadbed is “under construction, not open to traffic”.
Anchor: #i1003478

Input—Delete Non-Mainlane Roadbeds

Apply these constraints when deleting Roadbed-IDS:

Anchor: #i1001862Delete Roadbeds Constraints



Do not delete

  • Roadbeds R, L, and K. Deleting any one of these roadbeds loses Network continuity. In order to remove any of these roadbeds, delete the route segment
  • Roadbed unless no other roadbeds exist in TRM within the same ‘From’ and ‘To’ marker limits


Roadbeds M, S, P, T, A, B, X, or Y, which are non-mainlane roadbeds

NOTE: You cannot add, update, or delete Roadbed-IDS N and C; these are not physical roadbeds.

Follow these input instructions to delete non-mainlane roadbed:

Anchor: #i1001875Delete Non-Mainlane Roadbed





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 11J and press <E>; the Job Location Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields and press <F2>; the system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • From Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • To Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id of the segment


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion; the system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted Non-Mainlane Roadbeds

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion; the system takes no action


To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


System Response. While it completes the transaction, the TRM system automatically:

  • Removes the beginning and ending points for the deleted roadbed segments
  • Removes data within the beginning and ending points located on that roadbed.
Anchor: #i1003513

Input—Update Roadbeds

Apply these constraints when updating Roadbed-IDS:

Anchor: #i1001899Update Roadbeds Constraints



Change only

  • K to R or L (If updating K to R or L, then the R/L pair cannot exist in TRM within the ‘From’ and ‘To’ marker limits)
  • R or L to K (If updating R or L to K, then K cannot exist in TRM within the ‘From’ and ‘To’ marker limits)
  • R or L to K only when:
    • Signed Highway is not an Interstate Highway
    • All supplemental mainlanes and frontage roadbeds are deleted
  • R to A
  • L to X

You cannot

Add, update, or delete Roadbed-IDS N and C; these are not physical roadbeds

Follow these input instructions to update roadbed:

Anchor: #i1001912Update Roadbed





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 13J and press <E>; the Job Location Data screen appears and a prompt message requests the current from and to location of the updated roadbed plus the current Roadbed-Id



Input Location Key fields and press <E>; another prompt message appears requesting the changes

  • Signed Highway System, Number, and Suffix
  • From Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • To Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement
  • Roadbed-Id of the segment


Input new roadbed fields and press <F2>; the system updates the roadbed and the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” appears. The original request for the current roadbed to update appears for another update transaction

New Roadbed-Id for the segment


To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu

To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


System Response. While it completes the transaction, the TRM system automatically:

  • Adjusts beginning and ending points for the updated roadbed segments in accordance with begin/end points already existing in the data file
  • Generates a record for Highway Status 1 indicating that the route is “under construction, not open to traffic”
  • Removes or moves data and creates new roadbed limits depending on the following roadbed updates:
  • Anchor: #i1001936Update Roadbed Responses

    If you change…

    The system…

    K to R

    • Changes Attribute data from K to R
    • Changes Combination Mainlane + Frontage Road data to N
    • Creates Begin/End limits for Roadbed L within the changed segment; no data exists on this L segment

    K to L

    • Moves Attribute data from K to L
    • Changes Combination Mainlane + Frontage Road data to N
    • Creates Begin/End limits for Roadbed R within the changed segment; no data exists on this R segment

    R to K

    • Changes Attribute data from R or N to K (exception: deletes crossovers, if any)
    • Changes Combination Mainlane + Frontage Road data to K
    • Adjusts or deletes Median data values
    • Removes L Begin/End points plus associated data

    L to K

    • Changes Attribute data from L or N to K (exception: deletes crossovers, if any)
    • Changes Combination Mainlane + Frontage Road to K
    • Adjusts or deletes Median data values
    • Removes R Begin/End points plus associated data

    R to A

    • Changes Attribute data from R to A
    • Leaves N data records as they are
    • Creates Begin/End limits for Roadbed R within the changed segment; no data exists on this R segment

    L to X

    • Changes Attribute data from L to X
    • Leaves N data records as they are
    • Creates Begin/End limits for Roadbed L within the changed segment; no data exists on this L segment

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