Anchor: #i1010098

Section 3: Reference Marker Input Instructions

Anchor: #i1010103

Reference Marker Constraints

You may not:

  • Add, update, or delete markers 0000 and 9999 on non-interstate routes
  • Add, update, or delete marker 9999 on interstate routes
  • Add a marker if the same number resides in TRM with a different suffix.
  • EXAMPLE: RM 400B cannot be added if RM 400A currently exists in TRM.

Anchor: #i1010135

Input—Reference Markers

Follow these input instructions to add reference markers:

Anchor: #i1006579Add Reference Markers





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 22G and press <E>.

Result: The Marker Data screen displays

Place at least one marker on any given route or each non-continuous segment of a route


Input Location Key fields

NOTE: If the route segment has no markers due to route redesignation, add the first new marker using placeholder marker 0000.

  • Signed Highway System, Number and Suffix
  • Reference Marker Number and Suffix of an existing marker closest to the location of the new marker
  • Reference Marker Sign, positive (+) if the new marker is located past the existing marker, or negative (–) if the new marker is located prior to the existing marker
  • Reference Marker Displacement as the distance between the location of the closest marker and the location of the new marker


Enter Process Markers fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates TRM with the new route information and displays the message "Transaction completed successfully”

  • New Reference Marker Number
  • Marker Suffix, if applicable (Add a suffix, provided that the marker with the previous sequential suffix exists on the TRM- Tracking file. Example: RM 400A may be added if RM 400 exists in tracking, RM 400B may be added if RM 400A exists in tracking)
  • Effective Reference Marker Date


  • To enter another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


System Response. While adding the marker(s), the TRM system automatically:

  • Incorporates the new marker(s) into existing records as needed. The new marker now references data previously referenced by an existing marker. Example: A culvert is located at RM 234 + 2.5 miles in TRM. If RM 236 is added two miles past RM 234, the culvert is located using RM 236 + 0.500 mile.
  • Adjusts the Distance Between Markers for the closest succeeding and preceding markers
  • Adjusts the Distance From Origin ( DFO) for all existing markers and for the placeholder 9999 marker when applicable
  • Creates the DFO for the new marker(s).

Follow these input instructions to delete reference markers:

Anchor: #i1006603Delete Reference Markers





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 21G and press <E>.

Result: The Marker Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system retrieves record data from TRM. A prompting message “Press PF2 to confirm or PF 11 to cancel” appears

  • Signed Highway System, Number and Suffix
  • Existing Reference Marker Number and Suffix (if any) of the marker to be deleted


Repress <F2> to confirm deletion.

Result: The system displays the verification message “Transaction completed successfully” and deletes all data records associated with the deleted reference markers

OR Press <F11> to cancel deletion.

Result: The system takes no action


  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


System Response. While deleting the marker or markers, the TRM system automatically:

  • Removes the marker(s) from all affected records; data which was previously referenced by the deleted marker is now referenced by the closest sequentially lower marker number. Example: A culvert is located at marker 236 + 0.5 miles in TRM. If marker 236 is deleted, the culvert is located using the closest previous reference marker
  • Calculates and updates the distance between the closest succeeding and preceding markers.

Follow these input instructions to update reference marker locations:

Anchor: #i1006627Update Reference Marker Location





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance screen, select Update-Code 23G and press <E>.

Result: The Marker Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Marker Relocation Update and press <E>.

Result: The Marker Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number and Suffix
  • Existing Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the reference markers and displays verification message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Existing Reference Marker Number
  • New suffix (the next sequential alphabet letter, beginning with A if the old suffix is blank) Example: Add RM 400A if RM 400 exists in tracking, add RM 400B if RM 400A exists in tracking, etc.
  • (+) or (-) movement mileage
  • Effective date


  • To enter another marker correction, press <F9> to clear the screen
  • To select Marker Correction Update, press <F3> to exit back to the Marker Update Selection Menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


Follow these input instructions to correct reference marker attributes:

Anchor: #i1006655Correct Reference Marker Attributes





(For instructions to log onto the system, click this link)

From the TPP or District Database Maintenance Menu, select Update-Code 23G and press <E>.

Result: The Marker Update Selection Menu appears



Input an X by Marker Correction Update and press <E>.

Result: The Marker Data screen appears



Input Location Key fields

  • Signed Highway System, Number and Suffix
  • Existing Reference Marker Number and Suffix, (+) or (–) Sign, and Displacement


Input update fields and press <F2>.

Result: The system updates the reference markers and displays verification message “Transaction completed successfully”

  • Existing Reference Marker Number
  • New suffix—the next sequential alphabet letter, beginning with A if the old suffix is blank. Example: Add RM 400A if RM 400 exists in tracking, add RM 400B if RM 400A exists in tracking, etc.

When correcting an incorrectly stored marker location, do not add a suffix

  • (+) or (-) movement mileage
  • Effective date


  • To enter another marker correction, press <F9> to clear the screen
  • To select Marker Relocation Update, press <F3> to exit back to the Marker Update Selection Menu
  • To input another Update-Code, press <F3> twice to exit back to the TPP/District Database Maintenance Menu
  • To exit back to the TRM Main Menu, press <F10>

(For instructions to log off the system, click this link)


System Response. While updating the marker or markers, the TRM system automatically:

  • Incorporates the new marker into existing records as needed. A sequentially lower marker number now references data that the existing marker previously referenced. Example: A culvert is located at marker 230 + 2.5 miles in TRM. If marker 232 is moved such that it is now two miles past marker 230, the culvert now is located using marker 232A + .500 miles
  • Adjusts the distance between markers for the closest succeeding and preceding markers.
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