Manual Notice: 2005-1

From: James L. Randall, P.E.

Manual: Texas Reference Marker System User’s Manual

Effective Date: January 01, 2005


The manual provides Texas Reference Marker (trm) System Highway Data File users with the necessary information to input data to, or extract data from TRM. This manual is contained in the Planning, Programming, Environmental collection of the TxDOT Online Manual System.


Chapters 1 and 2 - Changed references from Design Division to Construction Division.

Chapter 3 - Changed references from Design Division to Construction Division and added information about the new User Information screen and the Board.

Chapter 4 - Added subsection for TRM Export instructions.

Chapter 6 - Updated TPP Highway Values to include all District Highway Status Values.

Chapter 7 - Updated instruction tables to reflect changes for inputting Reference updates.

Chapter 8 - Clarified constraints.

Chapter 10 - Updated of Travel responsibilities and Highway Values; Left/Right is now Shoulder Inside/Outside; Changed references from Design Division to Construction Division.

Chapter 12 - Updated Design and Route values.

Chapter 14 - Clarified references to the TPP website and updated graphics to reflect the look of the current.


Refer questions or suggestions to the Special Projects and Audit Branch of the Administration Section of the Transportation Planning and Programming Division.


Past manual notices are available in a PDF archive.

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